Thursday, August 12, 2021

Dr. Fauci: Everybody will need a COVID booster shot eventually, but only the immunocompromised need them right now

Photo: Reuters

Nothing but respect for Dr. Fauci and all the medical officials leading the way, as this is getting frustrating. And I’m sure all of our health officials are very frustrated that people continue to spread this virus even as we’ve known how to mitigate the spread this entire time: Wash one’s hands, keep one’s distance from each other, and wear a mask. It’s really this simple, but Americans prefer to whine about their ‘freedom’ and engage in conspiracy theories instead of just doing what needs to be done. CNBC -

White House chief medical advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday everybody will someday “likely” need a booster shot of the Covid-19 vaccines.

“We’re already starting to see indications of some diminution” in the durability of the vaccines, Fauci told “CBS This Morning.”

However, he said it’s not likely that they will be widely administered any time soon. The priority, Fauci said, is to give boosters to people who have compromised immune systems, including those with cancer and transplanted organs.

“We don’t feel at this particular point that, apart from the immune-compromised, we don’t feel we need to give boosters right now,” he said.

Fauci’s comments come the same day the Food and Drug Administration is expected to authorize third Covid shot for people with weakened immune systems, a highly anticipated move intended to shield some of the most vulnerable Americans from the highly contagious delta variant.

Such people, including cancer and HIV patients, represent only about 2.7% of the U.S. adult population but make up about 44% of hospitalized Covid breakthrough cases, which is when a fully vaccinated individual becomes infected, according to recent data from a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory group. (Read more)

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