Monday, August 16, 2021

Useless nationalist populists pointing the finger of blame at President Biden on Afghanistan is par for the course; they have nothing else to fall back on

The only modus operandi the nationalist populist right has these days is to blame the president for anything and everything; in the case of Afghanistan, conveniently forgetting it was their orange savior who was president the last four years and who did next-to-nothing to shore up our Afghan allies, and even signed a treaty with the Taliban. Of course, now Republicans are backtracking, deleting a webpage that celebrated Trump’s aforementioned Taliban deal, and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claiming they ‘never trusted’ the Taliban. Throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks is all these fire-breathing malcontents have to counter President Biden. Sad to say, by this time next week most everyone will have forgotten Afghanistan - that's just the way our news cycle and our short attention spans work now. But whether it’s Afghanistan, COVID-19, the situation at the southern border, infrastructure, health care, so forth, all the right can do is assign blame. They’re damn good at that, but they’ve proven time and again they are lousy at coming up with their own solutions.

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