Saturday, August 21, 2021

A nation of ingrates: The absurd and flat-out disgraceful finger-pointing on Afghanistan

Most of the very same people who are tearing President Biden to shreds following the fall of Kabul would be defending Trump if this exact situation happened on his watch. And it would have had he been re-elected, don’t believe any of the revisionist bulls**t he and his minions are spewing out now. They are the ones who signed the treaty with the Taliban to begin with, even invited them on American soil at Camp David. Lucky for Donald Trump, he wasn't re-elected, and now Joe Biden has to clean up this s**tstorm while a nation of know-it-alls, malcontents, and f**king ingrates point fingers. Enough already, I’ve never been more disgusted with the state of American politics. #MyPresident #YourPresidentWhetherYouLikeItOrNot #ShowSomeRespect ... 

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