Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Proud Boys leader sentenced to five months in prison on weapons and vandalism charges

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CBS News -  

Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was sentenced Monday to more than five months in prison for burning a Black Lives Matter banner stolen from a church in Washington, D.C., and for carrying two high-capacity firearm magazines when he was arrested weeks later, the Department of Justice said.  

Tarrio pled guilty to one count of destruction of property and one count of attempted possession of a large-capacity ammunition feeding device in July. Tarrio said Monday that there was "no excuse" for his actions, adding that he made "a grave mistake" that day.  

"I'd like to profusely apologize," he said, adding, "What I did was wrong." 

But D.C. Superior Court Judge Harold Cushenberry was not convinced.  

"Mr. Tarrio has clearly, intentionally, and proudly crossed the line from peaceful protest and assembly to dangerous and potentially violent conduct," the judge said. "He could not have cared less about the laws of the District of Columbia." (Read more)

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