Thursday, August 5, 2021

Defense Secretary to seek authorization to require active duty troops to be vaccinated

Photo: DoD/U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jack Sanders

Pretty ridiculous that what should be a basic matter of national security and wellness for our soldiers, in the middle of a national emergency, has to be vetted by bureaucrats and politicians, and endlessly argued over by laypeople who have no idea what they’re talking about. CNN

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is expected to seek authorization to make Covid-19 vaccines mandatory for all active duty troops as soon as this week, following President Joe Biden’s directive that the military examine how and when it could make that happen.

Austin’s “inclination is towards making the COVID-19 vaccine mandatory” for active duty troops, a defense official told CNN.

If the secretary makes that final recommendation, he could seek a presidential waiver to allow the vaccine to be administered to troops before full approval by the Food and Drug Administration. A Pentagon decision and recommendation on how to proceed could come this week, several officials say.

Biden announced on July 29 that he was asking the Defense Department to “look into how and when” it will add the Covid-19 vaccine to the list of mandatory military vaccinations. Biden specifically said he knew that Austin is “open to it.”

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