Friday, August 13, 2021

Do Christians need to divorce themselves from politics?

I am a lousy example of a Christian, but a Christian all the same. Without question, politics have corrupted American Christianity. Most loudly and prominently on the right, and their having replaced Jesus with a sleazy New York City real estate developer as their savior. Then there are the churches flocking to the other extreme, and embracing the ‘woke’ agenda. Here in the Boston area, we don’t have very much in the way of the right-wing Christian activity that is so prevalent in much of this country. Well, the Catholic Church, of course, but they’re an entirely different breed than the evangelical Southerners and Midwesterners. And as heavily Catholic as this region is, most lay Catholics are not at all observant, aside from a special occasion, perhaps. There are plenty of Protestant churches, though, and seemingly all of them will have the rainbow flag displayed in front. The church I was born into - the Episcopalians – is exceedingly liberal today. Which is, in of itself, all fine and good; nobody is being forced to attend any of these places, after all, and the LGBTQ community should have a place to belong and practice their faith. But then, there doesn’t seem to be much emphasis on Jesus in these churches, either. In the years I was working the 12-step circuit, I regularly was in a lot of these places, and got something of a feel for what’s going on there. It’s not your grandmother’s old-time religion, that’s for certain. But the bigger question I pose now to anyone reading this: Should the church withdraw from the political scene? Prior to the 1970s, we did not see too much in the way of church involvement in politics. This only really began to change with the rise of the Moral Majority around the time of Reagan’s election. Have things really improved as a result of Christians becoming political creatures? Or just the opposite? Post-Trump, it would very much appear to be the latter, but I digress ... 

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