Monday, August 9, 2021

The White House cracks down on the border as migrant arrests soar to 21-year-high and the Delta variant surges

Photo: Getty Images

The pro-migrant lobby will balk, the other side will only continue to claim that the president is allowing illegal aliens to enter in a conspiracy to destroy America. The opinions of malcontents and ideologues be damned, we’re in a national emergency and have to do what is necessary. CBS News

The Biden administration is ramping up deportations and prosecutions of migrants crossing the southern border illegally amid a 21-year high in migrant arrests and concerns about the rapid spread of the coronavirus Delta variant.

U.S. authorities are now flying Central American migrants deep into the Mexican interior using a Trump-era public health order that was extended indefinitely last week, according to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials, who said the expulsions are meant to curb repeat border crossings and the spread of the coronavirus.

The Biden administration has also restarted "expedited removal" flights for some migrant families who can't be expelled to Mexico under the public health authority, known as Title 42. Since the end of July, the U.S. has carried out six expedited removal flights to Central America, deporting 242 migrant parents and children under the procedure, DHS officials said. (Read more)

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