Saturday, August 28, 2021

U.S. retaliates following Kabul airport attack, at least two ‘high-profile’ ISIS-K targets killed; names of dead American servicemen released


May our lost soldiers rest in peace. - 

Two targets were killed and another person was injured in a drone strike against the Islamic State affiliate ISIS-K in retaliation for the Kabul airport attack, the Pentagon now says. And the Department of Defense has released the names of the U.S. troops killed in Thursday's attack. 

Department officials announced Friday evening that a drone strike killed an ISIS-K target in the Nangarhar province of Afghanistan. On Saturday, officials updated that to say that two "high-profile" targets — described as "a planner and a facilitator" — were killed and one other person from the terrorist group was injured in the retaliatory strike. 

Pentagon officials offered more information Saturday about continued operations in Afghanistan, including evacuation efforts and the drone strike

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said the names of the drone strike targets would not be released. (Read more

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