Wednesday, August 4, 2021

COVID death rate among the vaccinated is less than minuscule

Sure, it’s disturbing and disheartening that even one breakthrough case would result in death, but the odds are far more in one’s favor if they are vaccinated than not. State House News Service

One hundred of the nearly 4.3 million people fully vaccinated in Massachusetts have died of COVID-19, a rate of 0.002 percent, according to state data on breakthrough cases published Tuesday.

The Department of Public Health tracked a cumulative 7,737 confirmed COVID-19 infections among those fully vaccinated in the Bay State as of Saturday, July 31, representing 0.18 percent of the immunized population.

Saturday’s cumulative count reflects an increase of 1,364 breakthrough cases over July 24.

That accounts for a bit more than 30 percent of all new cases confirmed in the one-week span.

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