Sunday, August 22, 2021

The president’s approval ratings drop amid crisis, but he is not the problem here

NBC News poll: President Biden’s job approval ratings drop as Covid cases rise and crisis in Afghanistan mounts  

Advanced age aside, Joe Biden is the most normal American president in about 30 years. Unfortunately, the American people have changed dramatically in that time and ‘normal’ no longer exists. America is unrecognizable to me from what it was during my youth in the ‘80s and into the ‘90s. We see it all around us: In politics, entertainment, our everyday lives, etc. - Americans of today are ingrateful, unappreciative, delusional, spiteful, close-minded, and hateful people. And big babies, at that.  

I am a center-right independent who feels no sense of belonging in the Democratic Party, and I utterly despise what the Republican Party has become. I vowed never to be a sycophant for President Biden or to any politician - a la the sad sacks in #Cult45 or the Bernie Sanders/AOC loons - yet he is a decent man and proven leader who will never be given appreciation or respect in this day and age. Had he served in an earlier, more normal time – prior to when a certain generation took the levers of power and ruined everything – I have no doubt he’d be a widely popular president. But President Biden is a member of the Silent Generation, all of whom are quite old now or no longer with us – and we all know that old people are considered dispensable and unwanted by the rest of society. Joe Biden would not have been elected president in 2020 if he did not have the good fortune of facing the most corrupt, buffoonish president (rather old himself) during a harrowing time in the nation’s history.  

Frankly, at this moment I feel as though perhaps this nation of crybabies and malevolent morons are not worthy of President Biden. They better start doing some critical thinking and reassess who this man is, because we just spent four years living under a sociopath, and a whole host of sociopaths are licking their lips in anticipation of Mr. Biden’s demise. Perhaps a certain vice president may be among those, and then you bozos on the far-right (and most of the rest of us) are *really* going to have some things to complain about. Between the GOP and the Democrats, there are very few politicians left in D.C. who are vestiges of moderation and old-fashioned American values, but President Biden is absolutely one of them. The masses have been brainwashed by mass media and the vultures who manipulate the media into giving themselves over to extremism. I went down that road myself for many years, and it was Trump’s arrival on the political scene that ‘scared me straight’ (so to speak.) The majority of people went the other way, but I saw the light concerning populism and extremism. Not certain if that is a blessing or a curse, but I digress, for I never have fit in and ran with the pack. And never do I want to belong among the majority of spoiled rotten, good-for-nothing, ingrates that pollute this country.  

I am more supportive of President Biden than ever, because more than ever it is crystal clear that he is not the problem here. He told us pulling out of Afghanistan – something most everyone wanted - was going to be ugly and would come at great cost. He has been telling everyone all along to take the proper precautions against this killer virus. He addressed our crumbling infrastructure and got a major bill passed by a bi-partisan coalition (almost impossible in these days of hyper-partisanship.) As a senator, he was responsible for the 1994 crime bill, and the record shows that overall crime rates in America dropped significantly in the years that followed. Not a single one of his critics – in Congress, in the media, and *especially* among the general public – have a damn solution for any of what ails us. No, in fact, it is they who are abject failures and have the blood on their hands for the terrible shape this country and its culture are in. I am ashamed of my country, but I am proud of its president. Screw what the rest of these jerks think.

Copyright 2021, Sunking278. Stay up-to-date: Twitter – @Sunking278 and Facebook – click here.

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