Thursday, August 12, 2021

Shades of Saigon, 1975: U.S. Marines preparing to evacuate the American embassy in Kabul in anticipation of the Taliban taking the city

Kabul. Photo: AP
American Military News

The Pentagon is moving thousands of U.S. Marines into position to be ready to evacuate U.S. Embassy staff and Kabul, Afghanistan in anticipation of the U.S.-backed Afghan government collapsing within 30 days, the New York Times reported, citing administration and military officials.

The Associated Press also reported, based on comments from a U.S. official, that the U.S. is sending additional troops into the country to help evacuate some embassy personnel.

The New York Times, citing two more U.S. officials, reported the U.S. is trying to get assurances from the Taliban that they will not attack the U.S. Embassy if they overrun the Afghan capital.

Reuters reported, according to three U.S. officials, that the State Department is expected to announce the relocation of a “significant” number of its Kabul embassy employees amid rapid Taliban territorial gains in Afghanistan.

The reports of evacuation plans came on the same day the U.S. Embassy issued an official advisory, telling Americans in Afghanistan to leave the country immediately through a commercial airline flight. (Read more)

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