Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 was spectacularly awful, but the writing is on the wall and 2025 will be worse

Adobe Stock Photo

What a bloody dumpster fire of a year 2024 proved to be. What a dreadful string of years we have been having, going back to 2001, with matters deteriorating precipitously from 2020 onward. 2025 portends even graver circumstances. At least, in the past five years, numerous malefactors were put in their place by yours truly, and not one liked the taste of their own medicine, nor was any remorse expressed on their part. Solitude is vastly preferable to the company of snakes and vultures. The writing is on the wall and I have forever felt, and been made to feel, as a stranger in a strange land, yet never more acutely than at present. 

Multitudes of people and things are going to vanish and be written out of history. The worst among us have been consecrated with absolute dominion over society, and citizens are going to face horrors they never imagined were possible in the United States of America. There is no place for facile optimism, no Polly Annas allowed: we are f**ked, our fate is sealed and I merely supplicate that as many of you reading this as possible shall make it through. Given my overall state, I shall be remarkably ‘lucky’ - which is to say, cursed - shall I somehow persevere through the tribulations that are coming. This most assuredly is not the nation nor world in which I wish to exist, and these times shall not be viewed favourably by future generations (assuming humankind is not extinct).

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

About Trump’s quip—if indeed it was that—regarding the sovereign nation of Canada becoming the 51st state of the United States

Photo: BBC

NBC News: Trump mocks the 'Great State of Canada'

Were Canada to be incorporated into the United States, either as a singular political entity or, more plausibly, as multiple federal states, the resultant nation would surpass Russia in geographical extent. Moreover, were Canada to be admitted as a unified state, it would immediately become the most populous among all American states, slightly exceeding California's total.

Canada is not Rhode Island or Delaware, and whilst considerable portions of its territory remain sparsely populated, its population substantially exceeds that of Alaska. Regardless of whether the Orange Puppet’s proposition was intended in jest, the hypothetical absorption of Canada would constitute a monumentally complex undertaking, even presuming the acquiescence of the Canadian populace—which, one might assert with considerable confidence, would not be forthcoming. Quebec, in particular, would be problematic in that regard. There is also the matter of Canada being a Commonwealth nation and recognising His Majesty as King.

Canada stands as America's sister nation, formidable in every conceivable way, and is deserving of commensurate respect, honour, and dignity. Indeed, Trump’s previous facetious (or not facetious, whichever it was) suggestions regarding the acquisition of Greenland were inappropriate enough; serious matters of sovereignty and international relations ought not to be the subject of ill-conceived attempts at humour by one whose office demands the utmost gravitas. Thou art not a comedian, Mr Trump; cease pretending to be one. 

Naturally, we have yet to address the genuine locus of power within this impending regime, nor said locus’ aspirations for global domination. For the moment, however, we shall content ourselves with the assumption that Trump, the Orange Puppet, was merely being his charming self when discussing our noble neighbours to the north.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Monday, November 4, 2024

On the eve of destruction

If there is ever to be a sober and true ‘conservative’ mindset and political faction in the United States again, the cartoonish patriotism, the childish grievances, the unreasoning populism, and the allegiance to Putin and other foreign despots must all be cast aside. Alas, this is far from where 95% of self-professed ‘conservatives’ in the United States currently stand. They are intoxicated by grievance-mongering and the allure of authoritarianism, having descended into a loathsome personality cult, striving to be as vile as any recorded in the annals of history. When they fall, they will drag all of us down with them, for they have already held the United States hostage for eight long years and tomorrow, I believe, shall be granted full dominion by a citizenry cowed, wearied, disheartened, and wilfully blind. 

As for mine own soul, these past few days have been ones of mourning and reflection, and of pondering what my next steps—if any—I may yet take in the immediate future, say before 20 January. I pray that as many of you reading this as possible are at least somewhat prepared, for I doubt even the most ardent ‘preppers’ are truly ready to face the reckonings and dire consequences that the people of the United States have, by their own hands, invited upon themselves. ‘Liberalism’ and ‘conservatism’ lose all meaning when survival is at stake, and when those who surround us are dedicated to being irrational and malevolent spirits.

Recent headlines:

Chess champion and Russian dissident-in-exile Garry Kasparov: ‘I never thought I would need to warn Americans about the dangers of dictatorship.’ {The Dispatch 4 November}

Recordings from a 2017 interview with author Michael Wolff reveal Jeffrey Epstein claimed ‘I was Donald Trump’s closest friend.' {Daily Beach 2 November}

Trump: ‘I’m the opposite of a Nazi.’ - They are undoubtedly fascists and the alarm needs to be sounded, but the latest GOP talking point—that calling them ‘fascists’ is hyperbole and incites violence—is resonating strongly with the American people. Gaslighting works. {AFP 29 October}

‘Former generals who have worked for Trump say that the sole military virtue he prizes is obedience.’ - Americans who vote for this cretin are betraying our men and women in uniform, while also endorsing myriad other evils. {Jeffrey Goldberg 22 October}

Trump: ‘I shouldn’t have left’ after the 2020 election – WTF is he going on about now? He had no other option but to leave. Did he think he was going to handcuff himself to a railing or post in the White House, staying there and pouting until he wore everyone down and they gave in? He does have a talent for overstaying his welcome and exhausting everyone around him, but this is delusional. {The Guardian 3 November}

Two days before the election, Trump says he ‘wouldn’t mind’ seeing reporters shot - If one thinks American journalism is in a poor state now, just wait a few months, when journalists have either fled the country or otherwise been silenced. {AP 3 November}

JD Vance calls Harris supporters ‘dips**ts’ - For those paying attention, it is clear we—not just partisan Democrats, but anyone outside #Cult45—will face rougher treatment in the bigger, badder #Murica that’s on the horizon. {NBC News 28 October}

Vance tells those offended by #Cult45 comedian’s Puerto Rico joke to ‘chill’—as if they have no right to be offended - Anyone who uses phrases like ‘chill’ or ‘take a chill pill’ deserves a slap across the face. Such obnoxious, dismissive language is typical of most Americans (source: I’ve had to live among them for nearly five decades), including some reading this—especially if they’re reading it on Facebook. We are, without question, the world capital of insufferable douchebags. Meanwhile, said d-bags are throwing a tantrum because President Biden had the audacity to (not actually) call them ‘garbage’. I, for one, am not letting these extreme insults to the intelligence and dignity of the few remaining decent folks in the United States stand, but those lining up behind these nation destroyers and Putin appeasers shall receive what they deserve. {IBT 30 October}

Is ‘rather risk-averse decision-making’ by cautious pollsters overestimating Trump’s support? – Don’t hold one’s breath. {The Guardian 3 November}

Astronomical numbers of wealthy Americans are taking serious steps to flee the country - The rest of us have nowhere else to go. I hold no animus toward these folks, for if I had the means I would have been long gone by now. {NBC News 1 November}

Despite the absurd difficulty and burden of doing so, record numbers of Americans are renouncing US citizenship. {Fortune 1 November}

In anticipation of banana republic-style violence, residents who can afford it are fleeing Washington D.C. {Politico 25 October}

An FCC commissioner has warned that Kamala’s ‘SNL’ stunt may have violated the Equal Time rule - Albeit, this particular commissioner, Brendan Carr, was appointed by Trump and would likely have remained silent if it had been Trump pulling said stunt (and, as I recall, he did host that f**king goofball show in 2015, shortly after declaring his candidacy). Regardless of legality, appearing on a ‘too-cool-for-the-room’ hipster snarkfest does little more than alienate ordinary Americans and may be the final nail in Kamala Harris’ electoral coffin. {The Hill 3 November}

Utterly disgraceful: the Harris/Walz campaign has told President Biden he is not wanted on the campaign trail - When the post-mortem is written on why this campaign failed so catastrophically against a senile, corrupt fascist and traitor, the disrespect and betrayal of President Joe Biden by his own party and administration will be high among the litany of reasons. Kamala Harris, the Obamas, and others in the Democratic establishment insisted on prioritising diversity at a time when the threat of fascism is staring us in the face, loud and clear, with nothing mattering more urgent than stopping it cold. They threw an old, white man away largely because he is an old, white man. Thinking they could get away with it and the people would go along because the alternative is another old, white man who has the added liability of being crazy and evil. Wrong!

Kamala Harris will be remembered—if at all—as one of the most ineffective and self-serving US Vice Presidents in history. Part of the problem here is that people see right through her: she is as insincere and phony as any. Another example of why we desperately need more than two viable parties in this country; but that’s never going to happen, as most of us are forever stuck in an ‘us versus them’, left versus right mentality. Having more than two options is just too confusing for the average #Murican to comprehend. The entire paradigm is so off, but few will ever notice and fewer still will have practical ideas as to how it can be fixed. Maybe we are forever doomed to be a nation of malevolent fools.

As for President Joe Biden, I hope he can live the rest of his life in peace and without regret, for he did not fail his country: the country and its people failed him, and those around him proved to be the most vile snakes of all. {Mediaite 1 November}

A vote for Trump is a vote for Musk. Dr. Nafeez Ahmed - American Carnage: The Musk-Trump plan for total collapse. {Bytime Times 1 November}

Lord Elon assures fellow Trump supporters that America will face ‘necessary’ economic hardship in the next administration - Dismantling Social Security and Medicare. The American people are indeed prepared to vote for their own planned destruction, while their oppressors barely bother to conceal their intentions. Relentless gaslighting and scapegoating of disfavoured groups has destroyed collective reasoning and humanity; sheep being led to slaughter. {MTN 29 October}

‘World’s richest man’, Trump enabler, and Putin confidant Elon Musk was once an illegal alien who abused his student visa - Legally he should have been legally barred from the United States for life. {Daily Beast 26 October}

Rabid natalist Musk is reported to own a secret compound in Texas for his eleven (or more) children and their mothers - Sounds an awful lot like polygamy, minus the marriage part. Perhaps he’ll embrace Mormonism in the near future? {Dnyuz 29 October}

Trump vows to protect women, ‘whether they like it or not.’ - How I wish the nationalist populist ideology would simply fade away in the United States, that all populist demagogues and their circus acts could vanish into thin air. Life in this country—and the world—would be so much easier without all the needless noise and disruption. How I wish we didn’t live in a world overrun by malevolent fools and governed by snakes. {The Guardian 31 October}

Arizona AG is investigating whether Trump’s comments about putting guns in Liz Cheney’s face constitute a death threat - He has the pretence of speaking about Liz Cheney as a ‘radical war hawk’, but such language reveals genuine intent. Trump is signalling his desires for his enemies, and a large portion of the country wants blood. {12news 1 November}

A segment of #Cult45 has embraced online fan fiction—literal 'fake news'—which at times even deceives professional far-right agitators desperate for any morsel to weaponise against their political adversaries. {The Bulwark 30 October}

President Biden clarifies his comments on the garbage MSG rally. {BBC 30 October}

US House Speaker Mike Johnson promises ‘massive’ changes to healthcare and an ‘aggressive’ agenda in Trump’s first 100 days - The problem for Speaker Johnson is that, if current projections are correct, his party will no longer be in control of the House. {The Guardian 30 October}

Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are naturally anxious and upset as they face looming betrayal by the American people. {BBC 31 October}

The Russians openly state, on their national television programmes and on a nightly basis, that they want Trump in power specifically to weaken the United States from within and diminish its role in global affairs. They are laughing at us.

The Tehran regime is planning a major assault on Israel through pro-Iranian militias based in Iraq. {Jerusalem Post 31 October}

The White House has issued a stark warning to Iran: do not attack Israel, as we will be unable to restrain their response. {Jerusalem Post 2 November}

The UK Tories have shot themselves in the foot by choosing a far-right nationalist populist as leader—a disastrous move. Do they honestly believe that emulating the bloody GOP will fix Britain? That appointing a black immigrant woman as their spokesperson will restore their electoral fortunes? {AP 2 November}

Heathrow Airport: Two women removed from a British Airways flight to Texas after a physical altercation over a MAGA hat - Soon, we’ll be forced to wear the damn things, and refusing to do so will be a criminal offence. You messed around, #Murica—now you’ll soon find out. {Mirror 29 October}

The search continues for victims of catastrophic flooding in Valencia, Spain. {BBC 1 November}

Quincy Jones, 1933–2024 – Thank you for your life, good sir. An icon, a businessman, a visionary, a trailblazer, and a true genius. None of these words are hyperbolic; ‘Q’ was, and always will be, the real deal. May he rest in peace. {AP 4 November}

Recent study finds teenagers are growing weary of Hollywood’s relentless focus on lust and gold -  What on earth is wrong with kids these days? It seems the average teenager today doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and doesn’t have sex. How boring can these dull and joyless souls possibly be? Back when I was in school (early 1990s), social dynamics were such that if one didn’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend and wasn’t engaging in carnal pleasures, one was a pariah. How awful it must be to go through this miserable life and live on this dreadful planet as such a vanilla person, with no vices at all. How can any of them bear it, these poor, pallid souls? On the other hand, given the fact that the majority of my fellow wayward Gen Xers, and the selfish ‘Boomers’ before us, turned out to be complete arseholes, and considering it took me until my 40s and much betrayal and personal pain to finally realise I want nothing more to do with relationships, maybe these kids know a truth we were blind to in our youth. {dnyuz 24 October} 

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Friday, October 18, 2024

US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan releases 1,800 pages of evidence in the election conspiracy case. Trump calls her ‘the most evil person’ for doing so and accuses her of election meddling

Photo: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images

Trump calls judge 'evil' for releasing case files before election. {BBC 18 October}

Donald Trump knows, as well as we do, that nothing has or will change anyone’s mind. His legions of supporters shall show up in sufficient numbers, even if he were to ‘shoot a man on Fifth Avenue’. No revelations, not even the long-rumoured ‘pee tape’ supposedly in Putin’s possession, are going to tear #Murica away from their beloved god-king. So why not just keep his mouth shut instead of spewing such foolish and self-harming words? (How wise is it to call a judge presiding over your case an ‘evil person’?) Impossible, I grant—shutting up would require the self-discipline he so utterly lacks. The endless wailing, whining, and casting of blame we have long witnessed have only bound him closer to that large swath of the American people comprising #Cult45, and emboldened his Christofascist allies and enablers. Thus, he shall not change his course—expect more name-calling and tantrums to follow.

Recent headlines

Trump, at 78 years old, is now cancelling interviews, citing exhaustion - So, when will the American people, the media, the GOP, and (especially) his own Democratic Party apologise to President Biden for throwing the most pathetic mass tantrum in US political history this past summer after the 81 year old President had a less than ideal debate performance? Yet Trump can be 'exhausted', and even many of his detractors are deluded into thinking he still has some vigour left. I know—no apology to President Biden will be coming from any of them. What absolute f**king hypocrites and liars polluting this country. {Politico 18 October}

President Biden arrives in Germany to meet with Scholz, Macron, and Sir Keir. {DW 17 October}

Homicides committed by minors soared by 65% between 2016 and 2022, even as overall juvenile crime declined - Is anyone (outside of #Cult45) shocked that this is happening against the backdrop of a Trump-poisoned country, where violence and ignorance are celebrated to a greater degree than at any point in US history? {USA Today 18 October}

The online reaction from fans to the apparent suicide of a former ‘boy band’ star—expressed through emojis and reaction gifs—reveals a younger generation that is ‘incapable of feeling anything other than snide detachment.’ {Ryan Coogan 17 October}

Rest in Peace, Mitzi Gaynor: the actress and dancer of ‘South Pacific’ fame departs at age 93. {The Guardian 17 October}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

‘Countless People Will Be Put in Definitive Danger’. Lord Elon’s latest move—essentially banning the block feature on X—has outraged many

Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

X slammed for allowing blocked users to see posts anyway. {The Wrap 16 October}

Though technically speculative, I firmly believe this is a deliberate tactic to aid dangerous, psychotic MAGA extremists in targeting anyone who doesn’t stand with Trump after Election Day, as the inevitable societal unrest unfolds. The far-right in the United States today makes no secret of its anticipation and desire for civil war, declaring daily that only they actually qualify as ‘Americans’. They speak of a ‘real America’ (#Murica), in stark contrast to the urban and metropolitan areas that form the backbone of the Democratic Party. The rest of us are ‘Americans’ with an asterisk, and #Cult45 is eager for a culling. Civil war is on the horizon, and Elon Musk—more than even Trump—is uniquely positioned to help ignite it. He is an international criminal, deserving the harshest punishments imaginable for his ongoing crimes against humanity, and I believe there is at least a possibility that Elon Musk may be the Antichrist (or, if he isn’t THE Antichrist, he will still play the part).

Recent headlines:

Revelations have emerged that Elon Musk routinely employs private investigators to spy on and intimidate those who cross him. {Daily Mail 13 October}

‘We’re being railroaded into a second civil war and nothing that will make a difference is being done to stop it.’ - A must-read to understand the horror that is about to unfold in the US. {Jim Stewartson 14 October}

Ex-Defense Secretary Mark Esper warns: take Trump's military threat against US citizens seriously. {The Hill 15 October}

Once again outdoing himself, Trump describes the J6 insurrection as ‘a day of love’ - Will 6 January 2025 also be ‘a day of love’? How many of the police officers that #Cult45 ‘love’ so much shall be wounded or slain this time? A**hole. {BBC 17 October}

For years, Trump has repeatedly shifted his stance on abortion and reproductive rights - Ultimately, he nominated three religious zealots to a Supreme Court that is setting the country back by decades. {AP 17 October}

Former NBC executive John D. Miller expresses remorse for presenting Donald Trump as a strong leader on ‘The Apprentice’ - If only we had nipped this ‘reality TV’ s**t in the bud as soon as it began in earnest in the late 1990s. {US News 16 October}

Spokesperson for John Deere says Trump’s claim of saving US jobs with tariff threat is bogus. {CNN 16 October}

It’s astonishing how deluded the American people are: Trump’s plan to end taxes on Social Security benefits earns 55% approval, despite experts warning that it would deplete SS of the funds necessary to sustain it (the whole point). {Newsweek 14 October}

Independent review panel calls for ‘fundamental reforms’ to the US Secret Service. {CBS News 17 October}

North Carolina: authorities have taken a 44-year-old man into custody for threatening FEMA agents and concluded that he acted alone. {WP 14 October}

Trumpism is a mental disorder: a Massachusetts town orders a resident to stop projecting a ‘Trump 2024’ sign onto a water tower. {NBC Boston 13 October}

Although denied by the Kremlin, North Korean troops are reportedly training to serve in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. {BBC 16 October}

‘Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has presented MPs with a long-awaited "victory plan" that aims to strengthen his country's position enough to end the war with Russia.’ {BBC 16 October}

The remaining residents of a Ukrainian town near Donetsk are living in terror under constant enemy bombardment - This is the evil the American people support when they back Putin’s orange puppet. {BBC 13 October}

UK: MPs to vote on a bill granting terminally ill individuals the right to assisted dying. {BBC 16 October}

Zimbabwe reports its first mpox cases, raising the total of African countries stricken to 17. {CIDRAP 14 October}

Unfunny comedian and accused rapist turned right-wing Catholic zealot Russell Brand selling ‘magical amulet’ to ward off ‘evil energies’. Only $240.00. {Indy100 15 October}

Contrary to popular belief, not everything on the Internet is forever: a ‘digital dark age’ is underway. {Business Insider 14 October}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 on X, and at the same handle on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Sound the alarm: Trump is escalating warnings that all dissent against him will be criminalised in his second presidency

'Totally illegal': Trump escalates rhetoric on outlawing political dissent and criticism. {NBC News 13 October}

I’ve long said that the top priority of Donald Trump and his millions of cult-like followers is to dominate the culture and force their fellow citizens to conform to their will. Criticising him is already dangerous to one’s health in certain areas of this country, or in certain circles, and shall soon outright become illegal everywhere. Pay attention to the way his devout supporters speak: they genuinely want all Americans on their side and react with venomous rage to even the slightest criticism. They see any attack on him as a personal attack on themselves, and like him, they are highly sensitive and willfully ignorant. The United States now revolves around one man, Donald J. Trump, and those of us who refuse to bend the knee to him are in serious trouble. Better pay attention, because he is telling us what he is going to do: millions will be repressed, and millions more are perfectly fine with that. Dark days lie ahead.

Recent headlines:

Q-Anon guru and convicted felon Michael Flynn, when questioned, does not deny that he wants Trump’s political enemies to be executed - Quote: ‘Believe me, the gates of hell, my hell will be unleashed.’ {Raw Story 12 October}

‘(C)ompletely comfortable channeling his inner eugenicist.’ Mary Trump: Donald went full-on fascist. {Substack 12 October}

Gen. Mark Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump, says Trump is ‘fascist to the core’, the gravest danger to the US in its history. {The Independent 11 October}

‘If given a second term, (Trump is) preparing to go much further, reimagining the military as an all-powerful tool to deploy on U.S. soil.’ {AP 13 October}

People are just so far gone, it’s honestly making me lose all faith in humanity.’ US meteorologists receiving death threats for doing their jobs - Another quote: ‘Ignorance is becoming socially acceptable. Forty or 50 years ago, if I told you I thought the moon was pretend, people would have laughed at me. Now, people are bonding over these incredibly fringe viewpoints.’ This f**king country, I swear. {Rolling Stone 9 October}

‘What’s happening in America today is something darker than a misinformation crisis.’ {Charlie Warzel 10 October}

Poll shows one-fifth of young Americans, and one-tenth of Americans overall, believe Adolf Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy, after all - Take with a grain of a salt, the real numbers are undoubtedly a bit higher {Daily Mail 12 October}

Amsterdam, NY: A giant sign reading ‘vote for Trump’, visible from the Thruway and posing a hazard to drivers, has been given the ‘OK’ to be illuminated - Take NYC and its metro area out of the equation, and most of what remains of New York is a red state. {NY Upstate 8 October}

Trump falsely claims he has visited the Gaza Strip, ‘and it’s rough.’ {CNN 8 October}

England: North London golf club vandalised with swastikas and anti-Semitic graffiti. {Jerusalem Post 12 October}

Severe COVID-19 cases from the first pandemic wave may face double the risk of heart attack and stroke, a new study finds. {ABC News 11 October}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

Trump secretly sent COVID tests to Putin during 2020 shortage, new book says. {WP 8 October}

The orange motherf**ker stole from the American people at the height of a deadly pandemic to keep a foreign dictator—an adversary of the United States—healthy. Yet most Americans will simply shrug or cry ‘fake news’ when they should be demanding that Trump be sent to the gallows. It is no wonder #Murica is in such a sorry state. But I digress, for the story gets even more interesting.

Bob Woodward reveals that President Biden regrets choosing Merrick Garland as Attorney General (though why he hasn’t simply fired Garland remains a mystery). Kamala Harris is portrayed as having limited influence on the administration’s foreign policy, although she did reach out to both French President Macron and President Zelensky in the lead-up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Another interesting anecdote: George W. Bush expressed sympathy for President Biden’s ordeal in withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan, telling him, ‘I can understand what you’re going through. I got [expletive] by my intel people, too.’ As for Barrack Obama, Mr Biden is quoted as saying, ‘Barack never took Putin seriously’—which is true. Remember how Obama mocked Mitt Romney for warning about Putin during the 2012 election? Not so funny now, is it, Barry? Bob Woodward is one of the last true journalists, and I am grateful he remains at the top of his game, even at this late stage in his life.

Recent headlines:

Trump takes 8.6% lead in Polymarket betting odds - Not an absolute indicator, but there are more signs out there Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are fading fast. I keep trying to tell everyone, this nation is hellbent on national suicide. If Trump was ever going to be rejected by the not-so silent majority in #Murica, it would have happened long before now. Trump is going to win in a relative landslide. We are in deep s**t.

Don’t shoot the messenger: Kamala's lead over Trump in the Reuters/Ipsos poll narrows to three points, with a plurality believing Trump is stronger on economy and immigration - When pointing out facts is met with hostility, name-calling, and baseless accusations of being a ‘traitor’, it becomes clear that far too many of Kamala’s supporters are now simply the flip side of the same coin as the Trumpers. A political cult. It also further confirms why I have never, and will never, find a home in the Democratic Party. American politics are broken beyond repair, because the American people are, by and large, broken individuals. I despise myself for not having fully foreseen all of this twenty-five or thirty years ago, as I would have done everything differently and prepared myself to leave this s**thole. (I did have some vague inkling, but I was still young and quite damaged from a not-so-happy childhood, and made a million bad decisions in spite of what my gut would tell me, but no matter). No chance of being able to settle anywhere else now; I am forced to wallow in the blood and mud with all the other pigs (to paraphrase a great song from better times).

Elon Musk tells Tucker Carlson that he believes Kamala will put him in prison: ‘I’m f**ked’ (if Trump loses) – This is called projection, as the fascist cabal Musk sold his soul to plans to imprison millions of political enemies. {Daily Mail 7 October}

At a Trump rally, Elon Musk, jumping around like a toddler, declares that Trump will ‘save’ (read: destroy) American democracy. {AP 6 October}

FWIW: in contrast to 2016 and 2020, leftist filmmaker Michael Moore predicts that Trump is ‘toast’ in 2024 - To be fair, this is the man who predicted Trump’s win in 2016 when everyone thought he was crazy. However, four years ago, he predicted another Trump win and was wrong. I strongly suspect he is wrong again and underestimates just how hateful and self-destructive the people of this dying nation are. (If anyone disagrees, prove me wrong on 5th November!)

Trump and co. swindling gullible #Cult45 followers out of their life savings on TruthSocial with various nefarious schemes. {Rolling Stone 6 October}

Kim Jong Un sends a love note to Putin on the Russian dictator’s 72nd birthday, calling him his ‘closest comrade’. {BBC 8 October}

Project 2025 shall ‘unequivocally’ lead to more deaths from hurricanes and other natural disasters - Red State #Murica is voting for their own demise. {The Guardian 8 October}

The non-partisan Committee for a Responsible Budget estimates that Trump’s economic plans ‘would increase budget deficits’ by twice as much as Harris’s plans – a shame that Americans are convinced we are still in an economic recession and have, for decades, been brainwashed to believe that Republicans are better for the economy. {WSJ 7 October}

US Civil War (1861-65) reenactors reveal they are worried a new civil war in America is imminent. {TNR 6 October} 

Continuing her longstanding fascination with (‘Jewish space’) lasers, Marjorie Taylor Greene refuses to back down on Hurricane Helene conspiracy theories, even after officials plead with the tin-foil hat crowd to stop spreading lies. {Daily Beast, 7 October}

Who wants to live forever, anyway? ‘Humanity is reaching the upper limit of life expectancy, according to a new study’. - The US doesn’t rank among the top forty nations with the highest life expectancies. {AP 7 October}

A most urgent headline that #Murica will ignore: the largest supplier of US drinking water falls victim to a cyberattack. {Fast Company 7 October}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The American people (far too many of them, at least) continue to blatantly and deliberately emulate Nazi Germany, with antisemitic incidents soaring to a record high.

Photo: Neo-Nazis on a highway overpass on the I-40 near St. Louis, Missouri. Shared by Reddit user rojowro86 in the r/StLouis subreddit on 5th October 2024. (https://www.reddit.com/r/StLouis/comments/1fwx5n0/nazis_on_i40_wtf/)

‘Antisemitic incidents in the US surge to a record high’ {BBC 6 October}

Whether it was before (a debate for another day, obviously we weren’t always saints), America in 2024 is undeniably becoming a blatantly and openly evil, repressive, and antisemitic nation. Beyond being a bloody outrage and a national disgrace, it personally repulses me to the point of feeling physically ill. It is also terrifying beyond the comprehension of those of us who grew up in times of greater peace, prosperity, and personal liberty (pre-9/11). For years, I have endured intense prophecies of a neo-Nazi state, and it is all coming together just as I envisioned. People continue to so gravely disappoint me. Remember, the numbers cited by the ADL are just what has been reported. Think of how many more incidents that have not been reported, likely multifold. #Murica is rapidly becoming the new Nazi Germany, to be made official on November 5.

Recent headlines:

East Coast dockworkers have suspended their strike until January and are returning to work - Those who hoarded toilet paper now appear rather foolish, especially since paper goods were not among the affected commodities. {AP 3 October}

Residents in areas devastated by Helene still scrambling for drinking water and basic necessities, a week after the storm. {AP 4 October}

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘They can control the weather.' - She’ll be re-elected to her seat in a landslide, and a great many Americans immediately and without question buy into any right-wing conspiracy theory, no matter how implausible. MTG is the face of #Murica in 2024. {Mediaite 4 October}

President Biden during press room briefing appearance, on the upcoming election: ‘I’m confident it will be free and fair. I don’t know whether it'll be peaceful.’ - It will not. {NPR 4 October}

Trump returns to Butler County, PA: the site where his ear was so badly wounded (yet now miraculously healed) back in July. {BBC 5 October} 

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Special Counsel Jack Smith releases documents proving that Trump deliberately attempted to overturn the 2020 election and stage a coup, fully aware that he had genuinely lost

Photo: NYT

{ABC News 2 October} Bombshell immunity filing details Trump's alleged 'increasingly desperate' bid to overturn 2020 election

This revelation will make not one iota of difference to his legion of depraved sycophants, nor to most of the American people at large. Mark my words: 5 November will be national suicide, and the streets will flow with blood. A significant portion of the population is willing to risk their lives and take those of others to keep a Black woman out of the White House and their orange hero out of prison. It is sheer insanity on a level never before seen in American history, and it is all coming to a head. Civil war is imminent – God’s judgment on an evil and mentally ill nation.

Recent headlines: 

Bill Kristol: ‘Embracing a foreign policy that hearkens back to the world of the 1930s is a risk I think the American people will not want to take. It’s a risk that should be central to our national deliberations over the next five weeks.’ {The Bulwark 30 September}

Astronomical: An estimated 40 trillion gallons of water fell on the eastern seaboard of the US as a result of Hurricane Helene. {AP 1 October}

East Coast dockworkers go on strike, effectively holding the US economy hostage. {AP 1 October}

Montana man sentenced to six months in prison for a scheme to clone sheep for the purpose of captive trophy hunting. {CBS News 1 October}

On American soil, Sergei Lavrov addresses the UN General Assembly, reiterating Putin’s latest nuclear threats towards the West - Part of me (key words) feels that if the American people do as I suspect they will on 5 November—namely, commit national suicide—then we might as well blow up the planet in one final grand orgy of mass destruction. {The Guardian 28 September}

Another article on the pending legislation in the Russian Duma to outlaw anything deemed as ‘propaganda’ for the ‘child-free movement’. {NBC News 28 September}

UK: the 'birthplace' of coal power becomes the first major economy to end all reliance with the closure of its final coal plant. {BBC 30 September}

NEW HIV diagnoses among heterosexual men and women in England have surged by over 30 per cent in the last two years. {US Sun 1 October}

Marburg virus, a disease similar to Ebola ‘with a fatality rate of up to 88%’, strikes Rwanda. {BBC 30 September}

Pete Rose, Major League Baseball’s all-time hit leader, and the most controversial exclusion from the National Baseball Hall of Fame, dies at 83. Rest in Peace, Charlie Hustle. {ESPN 30 September}

A great songwriter and a great American. Rest in Peace, Kris Kristofferson. {AP 30 September}

Pink Floyd agrees to sell its catalogue to Sony for $400 million - The article notes that the amount could have been higher if not for Roger Waters' antisemitism, his support for Putin, and his foul tongue. {Variety 2 October}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Hurricane Helene exacts a deadly toll upon the US Southeast, particularly in southern Appalachia

AP Photo/Erik Verduzco

Asheville has been isolated after Helene wrecked roads and knocked out power and cell service. {AP 28 September}

Am quite saddened. It has been nearly thirty years since I last visited Asheville and Western North Carolina. My parents have returned at least once, mayhap two or three times, in the years since. Asheville remains one of the most scenic and pleasant places I have ever experienced. East Tennessee, where I once had strong ties for many years, was largely spared the worst of the calamity, though poor Newport was not so fortunate.

Global warming—or 'climate change', if one prefers—is both terrifying and real, and largely man-made. For the longest time, before I parted ways with the 'conservatives' (now #Cult45) in 2015 and 2016, I was as adamant as any of them that global warming was a 'hoax' and that humanity was blameless for acts of nature. Yet now, I think, 'Well, if mankind ruins everything else, why would we not also be culpable for this?' In the eternal battle between humanity and nature, nature always prevails. Human beings do not respect nature, and the consequences of this disregard grow ever more dire with the passing of each day, week, month, and year.

Prayers are with all those affected.

Recent headlines:

Project 2025 would cripple NOAA and the National Weather Center. {Poynter 27 September}

The 1 October deadline threatens to shut down ports on the US East Coast. {Reuters 25 September}

President Biden leads a bloc of North American, European, Arab, and Pacific nations in calling for a temporary ceasefire in Lebanon. {BBC 26 September}

Trump signals that he is going to throw Ukraine to the wolves, calls their people ‘dead’ and their land ‘demolished’ - The American people shall have blood on their hands if (when) they vote to return this cretin to power. Слава Україні. {AP 25 September}

Despite his delicate feelings being hurt, Trump decides to meet with Zelensky during the Ukrainian leader's visit to the US. {BBC 27 September}

Another utterly shameful omen of where the US is heading: the Foundation to Combat Antisemitism reveals a sharp spike in Jew hatred and a ‘decline in allies willing to stand up against it.’ {Jerusalem Post 27 September}

Neo-Nazis use AI to rebrand a ‘misunderstood’ Hitler for a new generation - It is working, all too well. Far too many Americans today, particularly teenage boys and young males, are easily misled and disturbingly eager to embrace hate. {WP 27 September}

Jewish leaders have condemned Trump after he vowed to hold Jews and Catholics to account should he face defeat - Whether he wins or loses, this is all going to get worse. #Cult45 is champing at the bit to begin the slaughter of countless Americans. Without fail, Jews are always the first targets when societies descend into tyrannical madness. Nazi #Murica shall strive to outdo Nazi Germany in its wickedness. Mark my words. {AP 27 September}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Justice temporarily served: Alex Jones loses in court yet again, but do not be misled into thinking that he and his kind are going away or shall ever face true consequences

Photo: CBS News

A Houston judge has ruled that all of Infowars’ assets are to be auctioned off, with proceeds going to the defamed Sandy Hook families {CBS News 25 September}

For likely the final time, justice appears to have prevailed in Texas—albeit only very partially, as Alex Jones remains free and shall never face true accountability, given that this Putin-backed cabal of theocrats and fascists (of which Jones is part and parcel) are about to be granted full control of the US by popular consent. It pains me, and enrages me, to have to acknowledge that the Sandy Hook families shall never receive the compensation they deserve; they shall continue to face harassment and demonisation by far right zealots (and possibly by federal agencies once they have been purged and replaced with Trump loyalists), as they have for over a decade now, and will continue to be shunned by the American people. Alex Jones is going to remain in business for a long time to come, profiting while millions in this shameful realm of #Murica, and countless souls around the globe, suffer the consequences of the division, evil, and malice he has been so instrumental in sowing.

Recent headlines:

Trump throws temper tantrum disparaging federal law enforcement and demanding the State of Florida to assume control of the investigation into the (second) assassination attempt. {WP 23 September}

Trump suggests non-citizens will be given ‘serial numbers’ pending deportation. {TNR 23 September}

Michael Cohen, former Trump 'fixer' who later testified against him, is planning to leave the US when Trump returns to office - Also warns other prominent Trump critics, including Liz Cheney, to consider leaving the country now. {Boing Boing 25 September}

More confirmation that Russia, Iran, and China employ AI tools to sow chaos in US politics, especially to undermine Kamala Harris - Such meddling has been public knowledge since 2016, yet gullible and eager right-wing Americans shall continue to lap up these lies, facts be damned, so long as these foreign actors remain unchecked. Hence, how and why an elderly convicted felon is going to win back the White House and a bloody civil war is coming. {WP 23 September}

Zelensky: Russians are using Chinese satellites to photograph Ukrainian nuclear plants in advance of potential strike. {ABC News 24 September}

Russia’s Duma takes up legislation that would fine individuals and legal entities for spreading ‘childfree ideology’. {News.az 24 September}

‘Free speech absolutist’ Elon Musk has complied with gov’t censorship demands on X more than Twitter did before his ownership. {WP 24 September}

‘US intelligence has warned Donald Trump of "real and specific" threats from Iran to assassinate him’. {AFP 24 September}

Even after the events of 6 January 2021, and with civil war looming, Congress still does not have a comprehensive plan for continuing operations in the event of a mass casualty incident. {Politico 23 September}

Nowhere in #Murica is safe from redneck bulls**t (quite literally): Final bull that escaped from rodeo at Massachusetts mall captured. {WCVB 23 September}

Study reveals no heightened risk of autism in children born during the first year of the COVID pandemic. {CIDRAP 24 September}

CDC: Severe obesity continues to soar in #Murica, particularly among women. {AP 24 September}

Severe flooding in central Europe provides a deadly preview of the future impacts of global warming. {BBC 25 September}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Post-debate Reuters/IPSOS poll: Harris fails to surpass fifty percent, with eleven percent still undecided, even after Trump’s notably poor performance

A political cartoon lampooning Donald Trump supporters. Illustration: Monte Wolverton

While I do not place too much weight on polls, here is proof this election is going down to the wire, regardless of how low Donald Trump will sink. It is crucial to always acknowledge that Trump commands the largest and most loyal political cult in American history, and Kamala Harris, as a mixed-race woman, faces the additional challenge of running in a country that harbours deep and violent prejudices against women of colour.

This may not be the optimistic spin most reading this want to hear, nor am I at all happy about having to say it, but it serves as a reminder that in a more rational, just, and moral society, this race would not be close, and a vile and criminal figure like Donald Trump would never have risen to power in the first place. 

I have said it before, and I shall say it again: we have not yet witnessed the full extent to which White America will go to avoid being governed by a coloured woman. Trump’s most devoted supporters will stand by him, no matter what he says or does or how frail he becomes. Prepare accordingly, to whatever extent possible, for mass bloodshed is on the horizon.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Trump voters care more about hurting you than they do about their own welfare

It is deeply terrifying that millions of seniors and disabled individuals who rely on Social Security shall vote to return the cretin to the White House. Every last Trump voter knows full well that he and the GOP is hellbent on ending Social Security and Medicare, despite any claims they make to the contrary. Trump voters are willfully voting against their own economic interests, knowingly hurting themselves in order to ‘own the libs’. That is how much #Cult45 hates the rest of us living in their #Murica. We are witness to a sickness that defies all logic and common sense, and are standing on the precipice of civil war.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Is Kamala Harris within striking distance in Texas and Florida?


Polls are garbage, and I trust what my instincts continue to tell me: this is a nation beset with malevolence, anger, and ugliness. Trump embodies what America has become, which is why so many millions identify with him and remain so steadfastly loyal. This is also an undeniably racist and misogynistic country. Had one asked me before Trump’s rise to power, I would have dismissed that notion, but it turns out that half the country decided it would be an excellent idea to conform to every negative stereotype and perception of this nation and its people. Nevertheless, my instincts have been wrong on rare occasions, and it is vital that the American people prove me wrong this time. Otherwise, it will be national suicide.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Extreme natalist JD Vance denigrated Kamala Harris for being childless

Photo: Julia Nikhinson/AP

{Newsweek 23/7} JD Vance's 'childless cat lady' attack on Kamala Harris sparks 'disgust'

Scorn towards ‘childless cat ladies’ and calls for forcing women to give birth are major tenets of the Christian nationalists at the moment. A cursory scan of X (formerly Twitter) will quickly reveal thousands upon thousands of accounts of people screaming ‘we need more babies’, in spite of the fact the world has over eight billion people at present and cannot handle the load. I would like the next Vice President to tell us what he and his Christian soldiers intend to do to those of us deemed unfit for their theocratic, reality-defying utopia? He, of course, would not be completely forthcoming about what they intend to do about it, but we shall soon find out (think Auschwitz).

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Kamala Harris v Donald Trump: An initial prediction of the electoral map

My gut feeling on how this election turns out. Time will show that Democrats have made the most colossal blunder in American political history. It is ‘progressive’ Democrats, and not so much #Cult45, that will put Donald Trump back in the White House. Damn fools.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Only halfway decent POTUS of my lifetime is bullied out of continuing his reelection bid, Democrats with blood on their hands

Photo: Bonnie Cash/UPI/Bloomberg/Getty Images

{BBC 21/7} President Joe Biden announces he will no longer seek re-election and endorses Kamala Harris to run in his stead.

I would say that I am forever done with posting about US politics, yet I know that is unlikely to endure. No matter, I shall never be enamoured of this foul age. President Joe Biden is of a different era, and for that reason, I favour him. Yet, there is no restoring sanity; the nation and its people are too far gone. It is all but a clown show now. None of you Democrats reading this shall beat me over the head, for I shall likely cast my vote for Kamala Harris, despite not being overly fond of her—though, remember, I dwell in a solid blue state, so technically I need not do aught—but we are about to learn the lengths to which the American people will go to avoid being governed by a black woman. To say it shall be ugly is putting it mildly. Shoot not the messenger.

Beyond any doubt, in these past eight years, Americans have proven they value being entertained and having their prejudices validated above all else. They will go to great lengths—even to their own detriment—to preserve this wretched state of affairs. Not a serious country, not a serious people. Joe Biden is too good for this wicked nation, and we shall reap what we have sown, which is another Donald Trump presidency and all the horrors that shall ensue.

Recent Headlines:

President Biden outraises Trump in June, but is also compelled to outspend him, for Trump’s advertising is freely provided by the MSM. {Reuters 20/7}

Crypto CEO resigns after tweeting ‘anyone that votes against Trump at this point can die in a f**king fire’. {Fortune 19/7}

JD Vance, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, and others: Beware the ‘tech broligarchs’ courting favour with Trump (and Putin). {Carole Cadwalladr 20/7}

‘(N)o reason to actually engage the merits of Vance’s Saul to Mar-a-Lago parable’: JD Vance wants to take America to a ‘dark place’. {Tim Miller 15/7}

JD Vance in 2016: ‘I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole ... or that he's America's Hitler’. Trump’s Christian nationalist, traitorous running mate was an avid NeverTrumper in 2016. {BBC 15/7}

Bill Kristol: ‘The selection of JD Vance confirms that the Trump movement now is a full-on authoritarian movement. {The Bulwark 16/7}

Questions swirl as to why no medical reports have been released by Trump, or reported on by the MSM, since shooting. {Raw Story 17/7}

MUST-WATCH: Witness at Trump rally tells BBC reporter he saw man in a tan suit on the rooftop minutes before the shots, Secret Service did nothing. {BBC 13/7}

Top officials of the European Union will boycott informal meetings hosted by Hungary while the country holds the EU’s rotating presidency, after Hungary’s pro-Russian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held a series of rogue meetings with foreign leaders about Ukraine that angered his European partners. {AP 15/7}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Donald Trump: ‘the infallible one’

Maybe I shall start referring to Trump as ‘the infallible one’. He spends years running his mouth and pissing people off, but then an incident happens and somehow it is President Biden who needs to tone down the rhetoric. Golden Boy Trump can be as fat, old, and senile as he pleases, but even purported supporters of the President say it is Mr Biden who is too old and must go. Orange Godking Trump can stage a coup attempt without facing legal consequences (not in earnest, at least), and yet even President Biden and world leaders calmly wish him well and condemn political violence. All the while, #Cult45 shouts that it is ‘the left’ and President Biden causing all the problems. (And *some* on the left are causing problems, this is true). Trump can spend years hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein and be all over the travel logs, but somehow it is Biden who is the pedo because - and this is a fault of Mr Biden’s - he tends to be a bit too touchy-feely with people. No matter, we are not even scratching the surface of what this man, Donald Trump, has gotten away with. No American in history has been more pampered and protected than he. I am grateful he was not killed, and I absolutely condemn anyone celebrating the actions of Thomas Matthew Crooks. But the double standards are glaring, and I will not stop speaking out against them. #Biden2024

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Shooting at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally is being investigated as an attempt on his life

Gene J. Puskar/AP

One can only run their mouths and threaten their political enemies, piss on our allies while praising America’s enemies, and domineer over all media for so long before someone pushes back. Of course, this all could have been staged, as well. Never put it past those who are constantly crying 'conspiracy' to engage in a conspiracy. Projection is an estimated 75% of their fascist playbook. Either way, #Cult45 must be watched more carefully than ever, as a retaliation attempt on President Biden is likely to follow. {AP 13/7}

Recent headlines:

Ivan Raiklin, Trump’s ‘secretary of retribution’, vows to have ‘Deep State’ figures killed. Ordinary citizens are next. {Thom Hartmann 11/7}

Trump asks NY judge to overturn guilty verdict in ‘hush money’ case, citing Supreme Court’s immunity decision - Mark my words, this knave shall prevail in eluding justice. The most cosseted, pampered, and self-entitled man in US history. {NBC News 11/7}

Israeli strike targets a mastermind of the 7 October terrorist attacks, unconfirmed if the bastard is among the dead. {BBC 13/7}

UN estimates that the global population shall reach a peak of 10.3 billion by the 2080s - Naturally, it is the poorest citizens in the most impoverished countries who will not stop breeding like rabbits. It is inhumane to continue allowing this. {AP 11/7}

Alabama GOP chair: ‘The mainstream media wants us to think of ourselves as a democracy because that leads to socialism. - To quote the author of this article: ‘When someone tells you they don’t believe America is a democracy, you can stop right there. They don’t want America to be a democracy’. {Kyle Whitmire 11/7}

Russians launch a fresh missile assault on Ukrainian cities, targeting a children’s hospital in Kyiv - I defy any American in Putin’s fan club to defend this outrage. I am enraged. {AP 08/7}

‘What Trump 2.0 would mean for Ukraine’ - #Cult45 have become so rabidly Ukrainophobic and pro-Putin that even Trump risks their wrath (and Putin’s) if he ever stops talking out of both sides of his mouth and pivots towards Ukraine. {Cathy Young 06/7}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.