Thursday, June 6, 2024

#DDay 1944: The liberation of Europe from Nazi tyranny commenced with the Allied invasion of occupied France

Allied soldiers on the eve of the D-Day landings, Normandy, 1944. Photo: Getty Images.

Today, we commemorate all those who stormed the Normandy beaches on the 80th anniversary of the pivotal event in the 20th century. Their bravery and sacrifice secured a period of relative peace, prosperity, and stability that lasted up until recent years. I fear a conflict of this scale and with such perilous consequences will have to be fought again. And I worry that this time, #Murica might not be on the righteous side. Heaven help us all.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Senate GOP blocks bill to protect access to contraception, claiming it is 'unnecessary'

Photo: Elon Musk

Though not mentioned in the AP article, extreme natalism is increasingly becoming mainstream in Republican/#Cult45 circles, and any Republican who saith they voted against this bill because it is ‘unnecessary’ is gaslighting the public. These extremists, such as the pictured Elon Musk, along with their natural inclination to control women and their bodies, are trying to convince the general public that there are not enough babes to sustain humanity. There are eight billion souls in the world, more than twice the population at the time of mine birth in 1978, and roughly half of them are starving and living in extreme poverty. Frankly, bringing a life into this world today is an act of sadism, but I digress.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Thin-skinned Donald Trump receives boos, yet also cheers, whilst speaking at the ‘libertarian’ convention

Photo: Jose Luis Magana/AP

Reuters - Trump booed and heckled by raucous crowd at Libertarian convention

Something a little odd about a wanna-be dictator who peddles fascism and Christian nationalism addressing a group that calleth itself ‘libertarian’, yet I have long believed the Libertarian Party to be a collection of crackpots and rank hypocrites. COVID made this crystal clear: they did not wish to be forced to wear a mask or take a vaccine, but had zero concern for the rights and liberties of innocent people around them, unwittingly exposed to deadly germs. This lot truly believes it is their right to make others sick. Others may stay home if they do not like it; I saw this attitude explicitly expressed repeatedly during the pandemic. ‘Liberty and freedom for me, but not for thee’.

These ‘libertarians’ would be wise to remember that Trump, the GOP, and #Cult45 do demand he be treated as infallible. Should he regain the presidency, none shall be allowed to boo or criticise the orange god-king, and every aspect of our lives shall be micromanaged by far-right busybodies and tyrants. Is the Libertarian Party actually ‘libertarian,’ or are they but a gaggle of quasi-fascists who just happen to favour smoking weed and despise paying taxes? A rude awakening eventually awaits all these malcontents with their heads up their arses. #Biden2024

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Alito's 'Appeal to Heaven' flag: another Christian nationalist dog whistle

Photo: Michael Perez/AP

AP - The ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag evolves from Revolutionary War symbol to banner of the far right

It is time to call these individuals, from leadership to the rank-and-file supporters, for what they truly are: terrorists. Just as most Muslims came to either embrace or tolerate Jihadist activity and extreme restrictions on their liberties and freedoms, American Christian nationalists are experiencing a similar process of radicalisation in our current era. Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas should not serve upon the Supreme Court; instead, they should await trial on charges of sedition. A shame it is that, by and large, people consider not the all-too-real possibility of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ becoming reality when they vote for president, nor take more seriously the danger these holy rollers represent to us all.

Even the overturning of Roe v. Wade hath failed to kindle a fervent outcry from those sorely beset by this egregious encroachment upon the lives of women. What I discern at this present moment is a country that has given up, and is about to yield unto tyranny in exchange for the fleeting promise of a few extra dollars in their coffers (which will not materialise, of course). I behold a realm of defeated and tired souls, inclined to let the bully, Donald Trump, return to power for he hath cunningly vilified President Biden. Donald Trump should be the most despised man in America, yet it is Joe Biden who bears the brunt of hatred. The propaganda, the brainwashing, and the bullying, combined with the cruel realities of COVID, inflation, climate change, and global turmoil, have reduced the American people to crying for mercy and submitting to the authority of an evil cabal that intends to dictate every facet of their existence.

Yet, this shall prove a harsh reckoning; ere long, millions shall awaken to the grievous error they shalt have wrought (this November), and shall pine for the return of Joe Biden. For his own part, Mr. Biden may have to resort to extraordinary measures to save this country from itself whilst there is still time; yet, though I strive to lend my support and will unequivocally vote for him again, I harbour doubts as to whether he possesses the fortitude to endure much longer. Nor doth there dwell within the American masses any remnant of fighting spirit. 'Tis akin to the year 1932, and the fall of the Weimar Republic.

I can feel it in the air; America seems to be losing hope, mirroring the despair that once gripped Germany, and thus, they will endure the hardships the Germans were subjected to following World War II and the collapse of Nazism. However, unlike Germany, America will never recover or regain its global influence: the once mighty empire is in a state of inexorable decline. Ours is an empire plagued by divisions - too vast, too diverse, and too at odds with itself to ever truly be a nation in the sense that Germany, Japan etc. are nations. While this may sound overly pessimistic, remember that my faith in Americans died completely with the 2016 presidential election, and each passing day since has only reinforced the reasons as to why that faith is never coming back to life.

President Biden denounces ICC arrest warrant bid for Netanyahu, reiterates there is no moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas. {BBC 5/20

Слава Україні. Long overdue U.S. artillery shells finally arrive to assist Ukrainian fighters near Kharkiv. {Reuters 5/21}

Of course she is. No backbone, no integrity: Nikki Haley announces she will vote for Donald Trump. {BBC 5/22}

Trump camp to build ‘crypto army’, will begin accepting campaign donations in cryptocurrency. {AP 5/21}

Indian dictator Modi - leader of over 1.4 billion people - claims he is of divine birth, says ‘this energy could not be from my biological body’. {Business Standard 5/22}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY - DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Saturday, May 18, 2024

One in three NCAA men's and women's basketball players faced abuse from bettors, including death threats, during this year’s tournaments

Angel Reese. Photo: Getty Images

NCAA: 1 in 3 star athletes receive abuse, threats by bettors {ESPN 5/18}

Methinks I am not sufficient of a constitutional scholar to know if the federal government hath any legitimate authority to regulate gambling, and I generally do despise any nanny state tendencies I detect in others. All said, I really do hate gambling. Years ago, I laboured in gas station convenience stores and felt like a glorified drug pusher with all the scratch tickets I did sell to Massholes. Most of the folk buying them were downright pathetic, but I digress. Furthermore, I have long turned a blind eye to gambling in my waning enthusiasm for horse racing, knowing that it hath always been the lifeblood of the industry. Yet, for the life of me, I shall never understand why any individual would desire to play with money. It maketh absolutely no sense.

Absolutely nothing of goodly import is emerging from the explosion of legalised sports betting currently taking place. When combined with the endemic, regressive, and all-pervading hatred raging in the United States at this time, it doth create a deadly combination. The ESPN article notes that female collegiate basketball players are about thrice more likely than their male counterparts to receive abuse. One day, somebody is going to get killed, but it will not matter to the puissant interests invested in the commons casting away coin they cannot afford to lose. It ought to go without saying, this is beyond shameful and yet another sign, among thousands, that the people of #Murica are, in laymen’s terms, losing their s**t.

Alito J6 controversy ‘another blow for Supreme Court under fire’ - Lifetime tenure for Justices was a huge error of foresight by our nation’s founders. {AP 5/17}

President Biden signs a significant aviation safety and airline reform bill into law. {Reuters 5/16}

Cost of living crisis. Suze Orman warns ‘If you don’t have at least $5 million or $10 million, don’t retire early’. {Yahoo! 5/16}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Law enforcement in the U.S. seized over 115 million fentanyl pills in 2023, up from 71 million in 2022, and only 50,000 in 2017

Darwin Brandis/iStock

Fentanyl, with potency exceeding fiftyfold that of heroin, is primarily manufactured in laboratories in India and China before clandestine entry into the U.S., typically via Mexico. According to this DW article, opioid addiction is far less rife in European nations endowed with robust and functioning healthcare systems, evidenced by a mere forty-nine (49) recorded fentanyl overdose deaths in the European Union in all of 2021. In stark contrast, the U.S. witnessed more than 200 deaths per day in 2022, and that may be a conservative estimate.

Nearly every solution enacted at federal, state, and local levels to combat the opioid crisis has been punitive and counterproductive. I dread America will persist in this approach for years to come, reflective of a society divided and politicians, particularly on the right and within the GOP, increasingly keen to exacerbate hardships for those their respective factions deem as societal outcasts. More needless suffering, deaths, and imprisonment shall ensue, and #Murica will become more and more of a s**thole country.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

DOJ recommends downgrading marijuana from Schedule I to III, does not endorse federal legalisation

A poster advertising ‘Reefer Madness’, 1936. Public domain.

Full legalisation nationwide, and the neutering of moral busybodies who routinely treat adults as mere children, are the only acceptable outcomes. Our lives should not be subject to the whims of those yearning for 1950s America; nor should there be a crime if there are not any victims. {AP 5/16}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Thursday, May 9, 2024

MAGA: NOT a movement of rugged individualism, free thought, or human liberty

Rich Logis - former MAGA activist turned anti-MAGA activist, one of the rare few who have come to their senses, or ever will - sheds light on how #Cult45 masquerades as a movement of rugged individualism, when in reality, it embodies the opposite. Christian nationalism, the cornerstone ideology of #Cult45, is as collectivist in its essence as Communism and all the other ‘isms’. Furthermore, it is worthy of note that *all* its adherents are resolute in imposing their beliefs and way of life upon the rest of us. They must be thwarted. #NeverTrump #Biden2024

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

If extraordinary measures must be taken to prevent national suicide, then so be it: The Biden campaign needs to launch an an all-out, all encompassing PR assault on the bloody imbeciles of #Murica, putting the fear of God into them against restoring Trump

President Joe Biden. Photo: Brendan Smialowski/AFP

President Biden and his people urgently need to initiate a comprehensive public relations campaign, aiming to instill a sense of urgency and gravity over the repercussions of voting for Donald Trump, or most any GOP candidate on the ballot, this fall. Alas, I see scant evidence of this happening to a necessary-enough degree, and the MSM is not helping matters with its constant doom and gloom coverage of this White House.

The widespread and increasing animosity towards Israel and the Jewish people has stirred a significant portion of the left to oppose the president. Moreover, a considerable portion of the remaining population are misinformed, oft harbouring malice and attaching themselves to #Cult45. Additionally, the Department of Justice hath lamentably failed in its duty to dispense justice: Trump should have been incarcerated, at the very least, three years hence, following J6. The man incited a most egregious insurrection, and the indifference displayed is alarming, mayhap even from President Biden himself. Adhering strictly to conventional norms and taking the high road hath not yielded positive results for Mr. Biden, nor for those of us who have been steadfast in supporting him.

Donald Trump's presidency from 2017 to 2021 was a calamity on most fronts - even if he had performed perfectly otherwise, the grossly incompetent mishandling of the COVID pandemic would be a sole factor to forever disqualify him from any leadership henceforth (I would not entrust the man to oversee a Target or Walmart location). With 91 felony charges pending against him and his dubious association with America's worst adversary, Vladimir Putin, Trump's legal woes incessantly dominate the news. Despite all this, too many Americans are apathetic, allowing him to remain a credible contender for re-election. 

Is this the image we desire to present to the world? Do we find contentment in being viewed as a jest amongst nations? We are going on, approximately, our third decade of being the most despised country on earth; remember, the world hated George W. Bush, and Mr. Bush is most decidedly a very benign figure in comparison to the useless golden boy that immediately followed him in office, and, verily, in comparison to Donald Trump.

I would advise President Biden that the extreme factions on both the right and left of America already harbour disdain for him and will support Trump or enable his return, regardless. Instead, I suggest Mr. Biden should give these various folks something to really hate him over. If the political centre is to hold, Mr. Biden must reach out to those who are still reachable but are not actively engaged and all too susceptible to outdated 'it's the economy, stupid' rhetoric; along with those millions who abstain from voting or paying any attention altogether. It is imperative to continually remind Americans how awfully Donald Trump performed as president during those four years. Because, at the moment, it appears a whole lot of them may be suffering from amnesia and chronic fatigue. 

Our national security, Social Security, individual liberties, and even our very lives are at stake, yet we appear paralyzed and disoriented. If President Biden must take unconventional measures to prevent national suicide, I will support him wholeheartedly. He may never be Mr. Popularity, and that is more than acceptable to him so long as he serves honourably and begins the process of cleaning up all the filth polluting this land.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Monday, April 29, 2024

Newspeak emerges from the pages of '1984' and enters the reality of the 21st century: indeed, Orwell was not merely a writer of fiction, but a prophet

Shepard Fairley/Penguins Books Limited

Purely anecdotal, and examples I will not proffer, but doth mine eyes alone notice that, of late, people's grammar and language skills seem to be deteriorating further, and a more rapid trajectory? Should we not recall '1984' and how the proles were gradually groomed to converse in Newspeak, a simplified version of English crafted to quell critical thinking? '1984' doth swiftly approach as veritable truth. Be alarmed; the degradation of our mother tongue is not something to dismiss lightly.

30% of children ages 5 through 7 are using TikTok—despite the platform’s policy that you can’t sign up until age 13’. {Ted Gioia 4/28

VIDEO: Trump worship has turned MAGA into a sexual fetish. Even after eight years of this cultish folly, the madness hath no end. Let none cease to remain alarmed and on high alert. #Cult45 are in a worse state than we have realised.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Monday, April 15, 2024

History to be made today: Trump becomes first former U.S. POTUS to stand trial on criminal charges

Getty Images

Thirty-four felony counts against him, and still the GOP nominee to face President Biden this fall. Consider this post a daily reminder, #Murica, that what is unfolding is far from normal or proper. It never has been, and despite efforts by all of the tentacles of #Cult45 to normalize it, it never will be. {BBC 4/15}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Monday, April 8, 2024

The eclipse comes and goes, and #Qanon and various groups appear to be embarrassed once more. Do they care? Do they still ‘trust the plan’? (Short answer: the only ‘plan’ is hating and hurting Jews, and every single follower is aware of it)

Getty Images

The eclipse has passed, and no new catastrophe has emerged, once again leaving the tin foil hat-wearing 'Pepe' crowd with egg on their faces. Do the 'trust the plan' #Qanon enthusiasts still ‘trust the plan’? Sadly, the answer remains 'yes', as there is a complete lack of shame and dignity at all times with these people.

All the trappings we see from these folks - the many slogans, the idolization of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, the stupid frog, the fixation on pedophiles and child trafficking - are thinly veiled cover for their one overriding purpose: hating and disempowering Jews. It matters zero to them if their ‘plan’ is grounded in reality; they are fervent Christian nationalists with a severely distorted sense of reality, and a highly tuned antipathy to all who do not believe as they do.

That said, every #Cult45 acolyte knows, deep down, that Donald Trump did not win the 2020 presidential election, and Trump and his enablers know he did not win; they shout 'Trump won' in our faces as a form of abuse, not because anybody thinks it is true. #Cult45 will be proven wrong time and time again, and every time they will only intensify their hatreds and willful delusions. It is organized insanity in service of neo-Nazism and white supremacy. 

Do not underestimate the absurdity and cruelty these committed fanatics are willing to perpetrate. Despite their willful delusion regarding specific details, their profound fear and hatred of the Jewish people remain unwavering in the grand scheme of things. This hatred is as ancient as time itself, a malignant cancer that will likely endure for hundreds and thousands of years to come - assuming the world still stands, but I digress.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Saturday, April 6, 2024

A quick note on rejecting conformity and embracing being hated

I have never neatly fit into any box, nor hath I blindly followed any crowd. Being ordinary is simply not in my constitution; my personality is prickly. From birth, I hath been anemic, weary, and at times given to confusion. By reason of these traits, among others, I hath ever been despised by the typical person in my life, especially in childhood but continuing decades hence. Most people hate me. Well, the feeling is quite mutual. Never more so than in these rotten days. #JustSaying 

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Thursday, April 4, 2024

The masses are a**es: reinforcing humanity's harshest truths and refuting the universe's biggest lie in a time of extreme degradation

E.G. Records

The period from (at the very least) 2016 until now has reinforced a harsh reality about humanity, one that nearly all of us prefer to ignore: While people may age physically and their personalities may be altered over the course of a lifetime, the majority tend to retain the same immature a**holes they were in high school. It is disheartening to acknowledge that most individuals are not inherently good, despite the notion demanded of us that people in general are fundamentally decent. The past eight years, coupled with significant and soul-crushing self-reflection, have unequivocally confirmed these sobering truths for me. It is distressing to witness not only the failure of many to mature, but also the outright regression of most adults in this absurd era. #Cult45 serves as the starkest evidence, naturally, but they are not the sole culprits; numerous other examples could be cited. Consider grown adults indulging in video games, eating fast food, or listening to teen pop music, for instance. And how vehemently they will defend themselves if anyone dares suggest that ‘hey, come on, this is kid stuff’. But I digress.

Since just before the pandemic, I have endured profound agony and near-total isolation, striving to confront and overcome the darkest parts of myself. Meanwhile, I have watched as many others appear to embrace their own inner demons in this diseased age and within these dying United States of America. Every pessimistic thought and suspicion I ever harboured about humanity has been painfully confirmed and then some. At 46 years old, not once in my life have I ever felt a sense of belonging, only now I am proud and grateful to not belong among all these bloody imbeciles. The collective decline is becoming too much to bear, with people becoming increasingly self-absorbed and indifferent. Sadly, this trend shows no signs of abating; an American renaissance is unlikely to occur in any of our lifetimes, and the planet itself is suffering irreparable harm. Get me the f**k out of here.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

An AI safety researcher warns that there is a 99.999999% probability that Artificial Intelligence is an existential threat to humanity

Getty Images

The director of the Cyber Security Laboratory at the University of Louisville doth caution that once superintelligence is achieved, controlling AI becomes virtually impossible, stressing that the only prevention is to abstain from its development entirely. Conversely, Elon Musk, the Boy Genius, estimates the perilous odds of calamity at a relatively mere ten to twenty percent, and advocates continued research and development. When even the staunchest proponents admit there is a measure of hazard, it is time to take heed. Or embrace the looming spectre of Armageddon, one or the other.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Friday, March 29, 2024

Polish PM Donald Tusk, speaking on the prospect of a wider European war

War is no longer a concept from the past. It is real, and it started over two years ago. The most worrying thing at the moment is that literally any scenario is possible. We haven’t seen a situation like this since 1945. I know it sounds devastating, especially for the younger generation, but we have to get used to the fact that a new era has begun: the pre-war era. I’m not exaggerating; it’s becoming clearer every day.’ (CNN: Europe in ‘pre-war era,’ warns Poland’s Prime Minister Tusk, citing Russia’s threat. 3/29}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Lee Greenwood, professional 9/11 profiteer and country music one-hit wonder, defends selling $60 Bibles with Trump


(THE HILL - Lee Greenwood hits back at critics of ‘God Bless the USA’ Bible sales: ‘Trump haters’)

Words cannot adequately express the extent of the evil and heresy in this act. It serves as a prime example of the state of Christianity in #Murica: a shameful disgrace aimed at deception and destruction. One must continue to wonder, what depths will Trump not sink to? The same question applies to all of his acolytes in #Cult45. Truly, he and they never cease to amaze with their audacity. 

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Sunday, March 24, 2024

#OTD 1976: A military coup in Argentina toppled the constitutional government of Isabel Perón

A monochrome portrait captures Argentine President Isabel Perón at a press conference before she was ousted by the nation’s military. Photo: Getty Images.

On this day in 1976, a military coup in Argentina toppled the constitutional government of Isabel Perón (pictured), heralding eight years of neo-fascist dread known as the ‘National Reorganization Process’. Strikingly, this regime bears notable resemblances to the ideologies espoused today by hard-right #Cult45 populists, Christian nationalists, and a decisive portion of average GOP voters in the United States, with Donald Trump as the centre of this neo-fascist movement. The Argentine junta did not revolve around a cult of personality, whilst our military in the United States rightfully withholdeth from intervening in domestic political matters, but therein may lie the end of the differences.

It is long-past concerning that the individual who led a botched coup attempt continues to evade consequences and is now poised to become his party’s nominee for president this autumn, with a plausible chance of success. While theirs may not be a military coup, #Cult45 hath akin many objectives to the junta that inflicted years of oppression and violence upon the people of Argentina. For further insight, one can search for ‘Project 2025’ to uncover parallels with the ‘National Reorganization Process’.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Saturday, March 23, 2024


Assorted American Nazis at the Charlottesville rally of 2017. Photo: Chet Strange/Getty Images

If there was ever a disheartening indication to me that humanity is facing dark times, it was today's discovery that a former girlfriend of mine - once the epitome of sweetness and kindness, with whom I shared many years - now disseminates QAnon conspiracy theories and virulent anti-Semitic content on her Twitter (X) account. I had been aware since 2016 of her support for Trump. We parted ways in 2017, partly due to our political disparities (i.e., even the most rational of Trump supporters morph into big babies whenever their idol is criticised). However, I never could have imagined that this woman would eventually embrace such ancient, hateful beliefs as the blood libel.

Trumpism is an incremental mental disorder, one that typically starts off innocently enough for most, but ultimately consumes the hearts and minds of its followers, leading towards hateful ideologies such as Nazism. However, it's not just Trump supporters who exhibit concerning tendencies; it is all the leftists who are quick to blame Israel and our own government for the actions of Islamist extremists, true to their long-standing and petulant refusal of over twenty years to acknowledge the true threat posed by Islamist terrorists.Anti-Semitism is becoming increasingly prevalent across the political spectrum, and it achieves no positive outcomes or offers any solutions except more hate and violence.

Large segments of the American populace are increasingly turning against Israel, blaming the victims and siding with the oppressors (Hamas), while simultaneously Vladimir Putin's popularity among Americans soars along with anti-Ukrainian sentiment. What kind of monsters are Americans becoming? I find it increasingly difficult to recognize this nation and much of its populace, and genuinely feel as though I am trapped in a bizarre fever dream. Unfortunately, these dire circumstances will only worsen, particularly as the younger generations come of age, their brains addled by (among other things) video games and Tik Tok. The irreversible decline and eventual disintegration of the United States are inevitable now, as the election of 2016 opened the Gates of Hades. There is no saviour in sight to prevent our self-inflicted demise (if America is the new Babylon of prophecy, as I’ve long suspected, then the Bible tells us that God is not going to save it); nobody will be left to pick up the shattered pieces when the inevitable collapse occurs.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


geo pixel/Wikimedia Commons


By Arthur Newhook

In 2016, I, along with a remnant of #NeverTrump folks, did sever ties from what was then 'Conservatism Inc.' (now ‘Trumpism Inc.’) for the selfsame reasons that later prompted my departure from AA. These are authoritarian cults that demand absolute conformity, yet few among their adherents - most of all, their leaders - genuinely embody the values they profess. For over four years now, I have dwelt in near-complete isolation, harbouring no inclination to reintegrate into any organization or group. Indeed, my need for solitude doth only wax stronger. All collectives are inherently flawed, either being led by charismatic charlatans from their inception or yielding unto corruption with the passage of time; attributes stemming from humanity's flawed nature.

The biggest lie in the universe has always been the notion that human beings are inherently ‘good’. Even during my tenure within the aforementioned cults, I still maintained, albeit to a lesser extent, the conviction that the inverse holds true. Do we not emerge from the womb as blank slates, devoid of inherent virtue? Were we innately ‘good’, the constructs of law, courts, and prisons would not be needed. Our existence is a perpetual quest to decipher the intricacies of navigating this bleak, unforgiving realm. Alas, most ultimately resign themselves to the belief that ignorance, debasement, and servitude are the sole avenues to survival. Thus, malicious and predatory cults find their fertile ground.

In the ultimate reckoning, it becomes apparent that well-nigh every institution crafted by humanity doth exploit the vulnerable state of human nature. The present-day GOP, led by its egregious and disastrous orange figurehead, stands out as a quintessential example of this manipulative mindset. Whilst I abstain from delving into the particulars of mine encounters with the aforementioned 12-step sect - the anguish inflicted by certain individuals therein remains too agonizing to recount - it bears resemblance to #Cult45 in essence: both are societies nurtured by tyrants and sadists, devoted to the oppression and annihilation of those already broken. I beseech the Almighty for forgiveness, for all of my numerous lapses in judgment, and above all, for my erstwhile involvement and misguided trust in these nefarious cults.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

A major public backlash against new technologies is brewing

We have arrived at the scary moment when our prevailing attitude to innovation has shifted from love to fear’. {Ted Gioia 3/19}

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at

Wednesday, March 6, 2024



On a primal level, #Cult45 adherents are cognizant of the intentions of Trump and his associates: Namely, to establish an Fascist and theocratic regime, closely aligned with Putin's Russia. The rank-and-file enthusiastically supports such efforts and greatly desires conformity, silencing dissenting voices (‘own the libs.’) Unfortunately, those most vulnerable to the consequences of this political climate are often disengaged, preoccupied with distractions like video games and cell phones, and are 100% jaded and cynical (not without much justification to feel such way.) With pervasive violent rhetoric and the assertive nature of #Cult45, a significant number feel intimidated, unwilling to ‘resist’ regardless of the circumstances. Neither will they find the courage to stand up and resist. January 6, 2021, was all about a show of power - to put the fear of God into a nation and its people - and I believe the majority of Americans were sufficiently spooked by that event. #Cult45 operates as a formidable pressure group, a collective of intimidating figures led by a supreme bully. Their relentless efforts have worn us down considerably, and are showing no indication of relenting. Exactly the opposite.

Do we truly believe that all this amplified 'Boomer' rhetoric about everything being 'woke,' younger generations being soft and not wanting to work, the illegal aliens and the ‘Great Replacement’ theory, the panic about drag queens, the anti-intellectualism, etc. is all just a coincidence? Confirmation bias and time-tested, yes - the ‘get off my lawn’ type is as old as time immoral - but not a coincidence. All the 'back in my day' memes that saturate our feeds nonstop do so because the intended demographics eat that s**t up with a silver spoon. Donald Trump absolutely knows what his audience wants, and has since day one of his political career. Fox News and talk radio do not devote most of their broadcast days to populist bellyaching as the target audience is predisposed to such complaints by their elder nature. Elon Musk's influence is transforming X (formerly Twitter) into a breeding ground for extremist ideologies, driven not solely by his own Nazi inclinations but also by the widespread presence of millions - perhaps even billions - of populist-minded individuals worldwide, who are always characterized by racist, nationalistic, and religious biases. Said individuals are the biggest marks around, and the likes of Trump, Musk, and Putin are taking full advantage.

Do not misunderstand me, there are many hints of truth to all these populist laments about a country gone 'soft' and a culture that is rotten: For most Americans are too cowardly, and/or dumb, and/or complicit to defend themselves against those taking everything away from them, and therefore will only give our would-be overlords and their army of minions the added satisfaction of having correctly proved their point before they slice our throats. We only narrowly averted Fascism in 2020, and only under extraordinary circumstances; even then, many of those 81 million that elected President Biden had to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing so. Reminder: In 2020, Trump actually received around 12 million more votes than he did in his triumphant 2016 campaign. With President Biden successfully cast as the central villain in their twisted tale, #Cult45 and their leaders are licking their lips and smelling blood, more motivated than ever. The rest of us are too tired or apathetic to do anything about it. Am I wrong? 

Begin the fightback immediately, starting yesterday, as failure and tyranny are assured otherwise.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. Visit Stop the Idiocracy, @Sunking278 on FACEBOOK and X; @arthurnewhook on POST.; and

Saturday, February 3, 2024

National suicide: Fascism is staring us right in the face, and much of #Murica is oblivious while many more embrace it

America is on a path of gradual national suicide, and within a year, it will meet its final demise unless significant changes occur urgently. The looming threat of a one-party, Fascist, and theocratic dictatorship with echoes of Auschwitz's horrors is imminent. It can happen here, and most Republican officials and lay people are outright begging for oppressive rule. The desire for fascism in these United States is beyond palpable, revealing mean-spiritedness and willful ignorance on a scale I have never known in my 46 years on this rotten earth. 

Despite the fact that we have a sane and capable president, somehow he is hated and resented. The widespread lack of respect for the president from seemingly all sides is appalling, and I have reached a point where I genuinely want to see President Biden assert himself forcefully and instill the fear of God into all those who would have their fellow Americans live in constant fear - the ones deemed bad Americans by #Cult45, so roughly at least half of the overall population of men, women, and children (yes, they will happily kill children, their ‘pro-life’ bonafides notwithstanding.) Give the Fascists a small taste of their own medicine, for we have no other choice if we are going to survive. We are in a cold civil war, soon to turn hot if #Cult45 is not brought down within the next ten to twelve months. This is war.

Americans today appear to actually crave chaos, tyranny, economic turmoil, betrayal of allies, and overall degradation. So long as they are endlessly entertained and the people they do not like are being punished, a majority will lovingly embrace authoritarianism on an epic scale. My faith in fellow Americans perished in 2016, and eight years later, it is abundantly clear that we, as a nation, have embraced pure evil. Americans can no longer be trusted on the world stage, at least not for a long time to come and likely never. By all means, though, keep allowing #Cult45 to trigger us and to set the terms of engagement every single time out. Keep on attending every single fight one is invited to by the trolls and goons. The United States of Entertainment is almost certainly f**ked, but hey, isn't that Taylor Swift great? Our priorities are so out of whack and people better start to take seriously the dire threat staring us in the face, and to realise that the enemy is us. #SeriouslyAnnoyed #Biden2024OrDeath

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST and THREADS.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Fellow supporters of President Joe Biden: CUT IT OUT WITH THE BLOODY TAYLOR SWIFT WORSHIP

Evan Agostini/AP

#Cult45 manufactures baseless animosity towards those who even mildly disagree with their agenda, or sometimes just because they make a convenient target, as is the case with a successful (relatively) young pop music singer (gee, who could I be referring to?) triggering the angry, old white men who comprise the bulk of the GOP base. Every single time, all too many of you fall into their traps, distracting from real issues in today's morally compromised and celebrity- obsessed America. The Fascists create these phony controversies because it works on a dumbed-down and absurdly restless population that values bread and circuses above all else. Stop playing on their terms! They goad you into wasting time over arguing about people and things that do not really matter so that you do not concern yourselves with health insurance, Social Security, matters of war and peace, climate change, our eroding civil liberties, or any number of pertinent issues. They brand you as sheep, and most of the time all too many of you prove them correct.

For whatever it is worth - and her actual music really is not all that germane to the discussion - Taylor Swift is not an essential artist like Nina Simone, Carole King, or Kate Bush. Despite her commercial success and despite that she hath been deemed an enemy by our enemies, she is still only a disposable pop star making goofy dance music for teenagers. Sure, good for her for enabling voter registration at her concerts, but she is hardly the first to do such a thing and to believe her doing this will save our democracy is pathetically naive. This woman is worth upwards of a billion dollars and can defend herself; she does not need millions of (perhaps well-meaning) people posting memes and expressing outrage on her behalf day and night. Meanwhile, actual human beings in this country and around the world are being oppressed in sundry ways, and they have no one to speak for them; no, they do not dance, lip sync, or date football players, so they do not matter. Our fellow citizens do not entertain us, so who cares about them, right? Our priorities are so screwed up that I cannot even articulate it properly at the moment. 

Folks, we are going to be crushed in the upcoming election. President Biden is under attack from all sides like no other president in modern history. Under attack by Trump and the GOP, by all the Christofascist loons, by the far-left ‘progressive’ jerks, by Arabs and Muslims furious that he (rightfully) stands by Israel, by the isolationists who would gladly allow Putin to march over all of Europe, by the sleazy mainstream news media, and by so many of the insufferable know-it-alls that live amongst us (that loud-mouth uncle who comes to Thanksgiving dinner, the ‘Karen’ who makes the lives of retail workers miserable, so on and so forth.) He is a capable and steady leader in a nation that has come to relish chaos, division, racism, hatred, and stupidity. We are a nation of impatient, willfully ignorant, and unserious imbeciles. When President Biden loses to a felon and traitor in November, know now that I am going to hold the likes of Taylor Swift, the media which props up these twits, and all of you who are obsessed with said twits at least partly responsible for our loss. When we are locked away in concentration camps - any of us who stand opposed to the nationalist populist agenda - I will remember the millions of lay people who have spent years now concerning themselves primarily with watching ‘reality’ television shows, posting selfies, getting fat on junk food, and living vicariously through the worthless excuses for celebrities that we are saddled with in this time. Our lives are literally at stake, so stop engaging in pissing contests over people who wouldn’t piss on you to save you if you were on fire!

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST and THREADS.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

The United States of Entertainment: A realm where personality cults, reprobates, and tyrants flourish, and where free will, critical thinking, and basic decency meet their demise

AI generated image

Observing grown adults engage in overt idol worship, fervently insisting on their idols' infallibility and suppressing dissent, is not only lamentable but also profoundly disturbing. This starkly contradicts the ideals of human liberty, critical thinking, and rugged individualism that the United States ostensibly once championed but now disregards. Full stop! I refuse to conform to a society where select mortals (rather mediocre ones, at that) are propped up by perpetual media hype and wield such influence over vast numbers of people that some adherents are practically (or literally) prepared to kill for them. It is important to note that I am not exclusively referring to #Cult45 and not solely pointing the finger at DJT.

The ceaseless idol worship of a disposable, thoroughly mediocre pop music star (initials ‘T.S.’) is becoming more than a mere annoyance. I am genuinely concerned about people’s mental health, and our corrupt media is to blame for enabling these charismatic charlatans - and there are others beyond the aforementioned, such as Elon Musk, who may be classified as an existential threat alongside Trump - to cultivate personality cults. This is not the country and society I grew up in, one that valued freedom of expression, critical thinking, and rugged individualism. That was the United States of America. Now, we are the United States of Entertainment, a country of sheep; anyone daring to stray from the herd shall be 'canceled.'

How did we reach this point, teetering on the edge of outright Fascist theocracy, while the majority of Americans remain blissfully ignorant? Supporting a pop star for enabling voter registration at concerts will not stop Trump, the GOP, and #Cult45 from imposing tyranny. Showing genuine support for the one person standing between us and Fascism - President Joe Biden - would be a better course. Yet, all I see is complaining and fretting over trivial matters, most notably his age. We are not a serious people. President Biden has held this diverse nation together amid serious storms, highlighting his worth and integrity, yet is never recognized for this. The lack of respect for competence and decency, while narcissistic buffoons are held up as role models, makes me sick.

Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON -, BLUESKY -, and @arthurnewhook on POST and THREADS.