If there is ever to be a sober and true ‘conservative’ mindset and political faction in the United States again, the cartoonish patriotism, the childish grievances, the unreasoning populism, and the allegiance to Putin and other foreign despots must all be cast aside. Alas, this is far from where 95% of self-professed ‘conservatives’ in the United States currently stand. They are intoxicated by grievance-mongering and the allure of authoritarianism, having descended into a loathsome personality cult, striving to be as vile as any recorded in the annals of history. When they fall, they will drag all of us down with them, for they have already held the United States hostage for eight long years and tomorrow, I believe, shall be granted full dominion by a citizenry cowed, wearied, disheartened, and wilfully blind. As for mine own soul, these past few days have been ones of mourning and reflection, and of pondering what my next steps—if any—I may yet take in the immediate future, say before 20 January. I pray that as many of you reading this as possible are at least somewhat prepared, for I doubt even the most ardent ‘preppers’ are truly ready to face the reckonings and dire consequences that the people of the United States have, by their own hands, invited upon themselves. ‘Liberalism’ and ‘conservatism’ lose all meaning when survival is at stake, and when those who surround us are dedicated to being irrational and malevolent spirits.
Recent headlines:
Chess champion and Russian dissident-in-exile Garry Kasparov: ‘I never thought I would need to warn Americans about the dangers of dictatorship.’ {The Dispatch 4 November}
Recordings from a 2017 interview with author Michael Wolff reveal Jeffrey Epstein claimed ‘I was Donald Trump’s closest friend.' {Daily Beach 2 November}
Trump: ‘I’m the opposite of a Nazi.’ - They are undoubtedly fascists and the alarm needs to be sounded, but the latest GOP talking point—that calling them ‘fascists’ is hyperbole and incites violence—is resonating strongly with the American people. Gaslighting works. {AFP 29 October}
‘Former generals who have worked for Trump say that the sole military virtue he prizes is obedience.’ - Americans who vote for this cretin are betraying our men and women in uniform, while also endorsing myriad other evils. {Jeffrey Goldberg 22 October}
Trump: ‘I shouldn’t have left’ after the 2020 election – WTF is he going on about now? He had no other option but to leave. Did he think he was going to handcuff himself to a railing or post in the White House, staying there and pouting until he wore everyone down and they gave in? He does have a talent for overstaying his welcome and exhausting everyone around him, but this is delusional. {The Guardian 3 November}
Two days before the election, Trump says he ‘wouldn’t mind’ seeing reporters shot - If one thinks American journalism is in a poor state now, just wait a few months, when journalists have either fled the country or otherwise been silenced. {AP 3 November}
JD Vance calls Harris supporters ‘dips**ts’ - For those paying attention, it is clear we—not just partisan Democrats, but anyone outside #Cult45—will face rougher treatment in the bigger, badder #Murica that’s on the horizon. {NBC News 28 October}
Vance tells those offended by #Cult45 comedian’s Puerto Rico joke to ‘chill’—as if they have no right to be offended - Anyone who uses phrases like ‘chill’ or ‘take a chill pill’ deserves a slap across the face. Such obnoxious, dismissive language is typical of most Americans (source: I’ve had to live among them for nearly five decades), including some reading this—especially if they’re reading it on Facebook. We are, without question, the world capital of insufferable douchebags. Meanwhile, said d-bags are throwing a tantrum because President Biden had the audacity to (not actually) call them ‘garbage’. I, for one, am not letting these extreme insults to the intelligence and dignity of the few remaining decent folks in the United States stand, but those lining up behind these nation destroyers and Putin appeasers shall receive what they deserve. {IBT 30 October}
Is ‘rather risk-averse decision-making’ by cautious pollsters overestimating Trump’s support? – Don’t hold one’s breath. {The Guardian 3 November}
Astronomical numbers of wealthy Americans are taking serious steps to flee the country - The rest of us have nowhere else to go. I hold no animus toward these folks, for if I had the means I would have been long gone by now. {NBC News 1 November}
Despite the absurd difficulty and burden of doing so, record numbers of Americans are renouncing US citizenship. {Fortune 1 November}
In anticipation of banana republic-style violence, residents who can afford it are fleeing Washington D.C. {Politico 25 October}
An FCC commissioner has warned that Kamala’s ‘SNL’ stunt may have violated the Equal Time rule - Albeit, this particular commissioner, Brendan Carr, was appointed by Trump and would likely have remained silent if it had been Trump pulling said stunt (and, as I recall, he did host that f**king goofball show in 2015, shortly after declaring his candidacy). Regardless of legality, appearing on a ‘too-cool-for-the-room’ hipster snarkfest does little more than alienate ordinary Americans and may be the final nail in Kamala Harris’ electoral coffin. {The Hill 3 November}
Utterly disgraceful: the Harris/Walz campaign has told President Biden he is not wanted on the campaign trail - When the post-mortem is written on why this campaign failed so catastrophically against a senile, corrupt fascist and traitor, the disrespect and betrayal of President Joe Biden by his own party and administration will be high among the litany of reasons. Kamala Harris, the Obamas, and others in the Democratic establishment insisted on prioritising diversity at a time when the threat of fascism is staring us in the face, loud and clear, with nothing mattering more urgent than stopping it cold. They threw an old, white man away largely because he is an old, white man. Thinking they could get away with it and the people would go along because the alternative is another old, white man who has the added liability of being crazy and evil. Wrong!
Kamala Harris will be remembered—if at all—as one of the most ineffective and self-serving US Vice Presidents in history. Part of the problem here is that people see right through her: she is as insincere and phony as any. Another example of why we desperately need more than two viable parties in this country; but that’s never going to happen, as most of us are forever stuck in an ‘us versus them’, left versus right mentality. Having more than two options is just too confusing for the average #Murican to comprehend. The entire paradigm is so off, but few will ever notice and fewer still will have practical ideas as to how it can be fixed. Maybe we are forever doomed to be a nation of malevolent fools.
As for President Joe Biden, I hope he can live the rest of his life in peace and without regret, for he did not fail his country: the country and its people failed him, and those around him proved to be the most vile snakes of all. {Mediaite 1 November}
A vote for Trump is a vote for Musk. Dr. Nafeez Ahmed - American Carnage: The Musk-Trump plan for total collapse. {Bytime Times 1 November}
Lord Elon assures fellow Trump supporters that America will face ‘necessary’ economic hardship in the next administration - Dismantling Social Security and Medicare. The American people are indeed prepared to vote for their own planned destruction, while their oppressors barely bother to conceal their intentions. Relentless gaslighting and scapegoating of disfavoured groups has destroyed collective reasoning and humanity; sheep being led to slaughter. {MTN 29 October}
‘World’s richest man’, Trump enabler, and Putin confidant Elon Musk was once an illegal alien who abused his student visa - Legally he should have been legally barred from the United States for life. {Daily Beast 26 October}
Rabid natalist Musk is reported to own a secret compound in Texas for his eleven (or more) children and their mothers - Sounds an awful lot like polygamy, minus the marriage part. Perhaps he’ll embrace Mormonism in the near future? {Dnyuz 29 October}
Trump vows to protect women, ‘whether they like it or not.’ - How I wish the nationalist populist ideology would simply fade away in the United States, that all populist demagogues and their circus acts could vanish into thin air. Life in this country—and the world—would be so much easier without all the needless noise and disruption. How I wish we didn’t live in a world overrun by malevolent fools and governed by snakes. {The Guardian 31 October}
Arizona AG is investigating whether Trump’s comments about putting guns in Liz Cheney’s face constitute a death threat - He has the pretence of speaking about Liz Cheney as a ‘radical war hawk’, but such language reveals genuine intent. Trump is signalling his desires for his enemies, and a large portion of the country wants blood. {12news 1 November}
A segment of #Cult45 has embraced online fan fiction—literal 'fake news'—which at times even deceives professional far-right agitators desperate for any morsel to weaponise against their political adversaries. {The Bulwark 30 October}
President Biden clarifies his comments on the garbage MSG rally. {BBC 30 October}
US House Speaker Mike Johnson promises ‘massive’ changes to healthcare and an ‘aggressive’ agenda in Trump’s first 100 days - The problem for Speaker Johnson is that, if current projections are correct, his party will no longer be in control of the House. {The Guardian 30 October}
Ukrainian soldiers and civilians are naturally anxious and upset as they face looming betrayal by the American people. {BBC 31 October}
The Russians openly state, on their national television programmes and on a nightly basis, that they want Trump in power specifically to weaken the United States from within and diminish its role in global affairs. They are laughing at us.
The Tehran regime is planning a major assault on Israel through pro-Iranian militias based in Iraq. {Jerusalem Post 31 October}
The White House has issued a stark warning to Iran: do not attack Israel, as we will be unable to restrain their response. {Jerusalem Post 2 November}
The UK Tories have shot themselves in the foot by choosing a far-right nationalist populist as leader—a disastrous move. Do they honestly believe that emulating the bloody GOP will fix Britain? That appointing a black immigrant woman as their spokesperson will restore their electoral fortunes? {AP 2 November}
Heathrow Airport: Two women removed from a British Airways flight to Texas after a physical altercation over a MAGA hat - Soon, we’ll be forced to wear the damn things, and refusing to do so will be a criminal offence. You messed around, #Murica—now you’ll soon find out. {Mirror 29 October}
The search continues for victims of catastrophic flooding in Valencia, Spain. {BBC 1 November}
Quincy Jones, 1933–2024 – Thank you for your life, good sir. An icon, a businessman, a visionary, a trailblazer, and a true genius. None of these words are hyperbolic; ‘Q’ was, and always will be, the real deal. May he rest in peace. {AP 4 November}
Recent study finds teenagers are growing weary of Hollywood’s relentless focus on lust and gold - What on earth is wrong with kids these days? It seems the average teenager today doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, and doesn’t have sex. How boring can these dull and joyless souls possibly be? Back when I was in school (early 1990s), social dynamics were such that if one didn’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend and wasn’t engaging in carnal pleasures, one was a pariah. How awful it must be to go through this miserable life and live on this dreadful planet as such a vanilla person, with no vices at all. How can any of them bear it, these poor, pallid souls? On the other hand, given the fact that the majority of my fellow wayward Gen Xers, and the selfish ‘Boomers’ before us, turned out to be complete arseholes, and considering it took me until my 40s and much betrayal and personal pain to finally realise I want nothing more to do with relationships, maybe these kids know a truth we were blind to in our youth. {dnyuz 24 October}
Copyright 2024, Arthur Newhook. @Sunking278 and @FloydEtcetera on X, and at the same handles on FACEBOOK. MASTODON - @ArthurNewhook@mastodon.world, BLUESKY - @arthurnewhook.bsky.social. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACCEPTED at https://tinyurl.com/ArthurNewhook.